I need you.

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Camila's P.O.V

As I said I would I went to Lauren's house. We were currently watching a film and we still need to speak about what has happened. I felt Lauren's hand being placed on top of mine but I quickly removed it. I looked at her and saw the hurt expression that was on her face. It killed me to see that look. And it especially killed me because I know that I am the reason for it.

I didn't want to get hurt by her again. I want to be with her but I don't want her to brake my heart again. I just wish that things were less complicated and we could just be happy. But I know that, that would never happen. Not anytime soon anyway.

"Lauren." I say and she turns to face me.
"Can we talk about the other day, when you caught me, erm." I couldn't say it because it was awkward.

"There's no need to talk about it. You've moved on, I get it. You don't need to explain your sex life to me." She says while look blankly at me. I know she's hurt because this is how she always used to get.

"But I want to talk about us. This is why I came here, to talk." I say and I hear her sigh. I know she's only doing this to look brave.

"Well?" She says waiting for me to tall.

"I'm sorry that you had to walk in and see what you did."

"It's cool." She says shrugging and going back to watch the film.

"Well I just want to- Can you at least look at me when I'm talking!" I say raising my voice because I'm getting annoyed at her stubbornness.

"I'm trying to watch this." She says giving me a quickly glance before turning her attention back to the film.

"I'm wasting my time." I say before getting up and putting my jacket on.

"What are you doing?" Lauren asked looking up at me.

"I'm going home." I say.


"Because your obviously more interested in this film that you are about having this conversation. I actually want to have an adult conversation with you, but aparently that's too hard for you." I shout slightly, still trying to keep my calm.

"You want to talk? Let's fucking talk." She says raising her voice too and standing up.

"Why are you the one getting angry?"

"Because the other day I walked in on you fucking someone." She shouts.

"Because you fucking told me to move you." I shout back at her.
"Your ridiculous, you don't want me but you don't want anyone else to want me."

"I've always fucking wanted you." She hiss back.
"You are the only person that I have ever wanted."

"Prove it to Lauren because right now it doesn't seem like you do."

"I've tried to prove it to you but you keep pushing me away." She says slightly lowing her voice.

"I've not the one pushing you away, you've been pushing me away for months!" I defend myself.

She doesn't say anything, instead she makes her way other to me and her facial expression is still angry. For a moment I feel as though she was about to punch me, but that thought disappeared when she connected her lips to mine. For a moment I kissed her back, but quickly pushed her away once I registered what was going on.

"Is that your way of proving that you want me? By fucking me?" I say.

"No. I just didn't know what else to-"

"So you thought, 'Oh Camila will definitely want to fuck, let's make her forget about our argument'."

"You know it's not like that." She shouts.

"Well that's what it seems. I'm going. Call me when you realise what you actually want." I say before leaving the front room. Just before I opened the door I heard her say

"I need you."

I couldn't respond. I just had to go home and have a good think about me and Lauren. I need to properly decide if we should give us another try and if we do, how it would turn out.

Writer's note

Guys! This story has 100k reads!!
Like how the fuck has that even happened.
I can't even express how happy and gratefull I am.
Thank you guys so much for reading, voting and commenting.
It means the world to me!
I love you all <3

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