The interview

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Lauren Jauregui denys all the rumors about her and Camila dating. She claims that they did but it was "just a bit of fun."
Fans have been going crazy over this interview. Camila has already spoke out on Twitter about this situation and let me just say, she is not happy. So, as you know Lauren's fan has sent major hate to her. Lauren soon tweeted and it seems as though she was sticking up for Camila. Click below to view the interview and the tweets. Tell us what you think about 'Camren'.

"So today I will be interviewing the beautiful, talented Lauren Jauregui!" Chelsea (The interviewer) says.

"Thank you. I love the introduction to this interview by the way." I say laughing slightly.

"Well I like to tell the truth." She says.
"So I though we would start of talking about your tour that starts next year."

"Ok." I say nodding.

"So, will you be performing new music?" She asked.

"Definantly. I will be performing the songs that have recently been release. Hopefully I will have a lot more new songs to perform by then too."

"Are you working on anything other than the tour at the moment?"

"Honestly no. I'm just focusing on the tour and music. Actually, I am going to be in the studio a lot soon." I say making Chelsea smile.

"So does that mean you will be back in Miami or will you be writing and recording here?"

"I only ever really like writing and recording in Miami. It just feels natural. So I will be going back in a few days" I say.

"I tweeted out this morning questions to ask you and your fans has been sending me thousands. They actually crashed my twitter." She says laughing.

"They are very amazing." I say.

"So the first questions is from @cactusJauregui and it says if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?"

"Italy." I instantly say.

"You answered that quickly." She says laughing slightly.

"That's because that question is a no brainer. Italy is such a beautiful place and the people there are so polite and just incredible."

"Ok so the next question is from @SexualLauren and it says 'Are you and Camila dating?'"
Shit, I should've known that a question like this could come up soon.

"Erm... No we're not." I say trying not to seem nervous.

"You seem very hesitant about that question. Are you sure?" Chelsea asked.

"Yes I'm sure." I say.

"So you and Camila have never dated before?"

"I never said that. I just said that we're not dating at the moment." I quickly respond.

"Oh so you have dated in the past but your not anymore."

"Exactly. Me and Camila were just having a bit of fun. We did date but it wasn't for long."

"Are you two still friends or is that not happening?" She asked.

"Let's just say that things are too complicated at the moment."

After a few more questions the interview was over. I went on Twitter to see a lot of people tweeting me about Camila. I go into her profile to see a few tweets that I imagine are about me.

@camilacabello97: 'Just a bit of fun' thanks.

@camilacabello97: You really know how to make a girl feel special.

@camilacabello97: "You're different from the others." Of course I was.

@camilacabello97: If only you understood how fucking broken I am because of YOU.

I felt bad because I do care about Camila. I care about her more than I've ever cared about anymore. It actually scares me thinking about it.
I quickly come of Twitter because I know it would rather make me upset or angry.

I was told that I had to have a meeting with Simon about my future.

"Hello Lauren dear." Simon says smiling widely at me. It actually kind of creeped me out.

"Hello." I say sitting down.
"So what exactly did you want to talk to me about?" I asked trying to make this meeting go as quickly as possible.

"Well you've gotten a lot of media attention lately. Not anything good though." He says about to continue talking about shit, but I quickly interrupts him.

"I've seen good things about me. Like mine and Zayn's song and mine and Justin's song."

"And what have they all ked to?" He asked waiting for me to give him an answer.
Instead of answering I just raise an eyebrow and gesture to him to explain what he means.

"They've all led to dating rumors." He says before taking a sip of his water.
"I don't really feel like getting involved in the whole you and Camila situation so I'll cut the long story. You and her have made a lot of headlines. I don't like that because now it's all over. I need you to keep out of the media."

"And if I don't?" I question.

"If you don't, I'll cut you from your record deal."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I'm actually exhausted...
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night❤

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