You don't love her

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I know I said last chapter would be the last update for today, but I can't make you guys wait!

Camila's P.O.V

I can't believe how much has changed because of one mistake. I was suppose to be at Lauren's house right now and preparing for Christmas. Tomorrow it will be Christmas and I won't be with her. All because of how stupid I was. I should've just spoken to to her. I know how it feels to have someone jump down your throat without talking to you about it. I shouldn't have reacted like that, but I did and I fucked up mine and Lauren's relationship. We're not broken up yet, but If I was her, I wouldn't want to be with me after what I had done.

*Knock knock

I got up and answered my door to reveal Dinah.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to talk to you about Lauren." I don't say anything. Instead I step aside and let her in.

"I'm suprised Hailee isn't with you."

"Dinah. Please don't start." I plead.

"Why shouldn't I?" She shouts.
"You broke my best friend's fucking heart!"

"I didn't mean to Dinah. You have to believe me." I say trying to get her to let me talk.

"Oh so you didn't mean to kiss Hailee?" She sarcastically asks.

"I love her Dinah. You need to help me get her to talk to me." I plead.

"You don't love her. You just don't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she's just good for your ego. Or, maybe she makes you feel better about your miserable life, but you don't love her. You don't destroy people you love."

I didn't get to say anything because at the corner of my eye I saw a figure. It was Lauren and my heart sped up.

"Can you give us a minute?" She asked Dinah who just nods.
"I came to give you this." She says handing me a present.

"You didn't need to." I say.

"But I wanted to because we won't see each other tomorrow."

"Wait here, please." I say before running up to my room and getting her present.
"Here." I say handing her it.

"Thanks." She says.

"Don't open it until tomorrow though." I say and she smiles. I've missed that smile.

"I won't as long as you don't open yours until tomorrow."

"I won't." I say smiling slightly.

"Erm, I also came here to talk about everything."

"I'm sorry Lauren." I say.

"I don't feel as though we're working." My heart drops when those words come out of her mouth.
"Maybe we'll meet again, when we're slightly older and our minds less hectic, and I'll be right for you and you'll be right for me. But right now, I am chaos to your thoughts and you are poison to my heart."

A tear escaped my eye and I felt Lauren wipe it away with her thumb. She pulled it away all too soon and I suddenly missed her touch.

"Maybe you're right." I whisper. She smiles before nodding slightly.

"We can still be friends though." She suggests.

"I can't be friends with someone I love Lauren. Two people who has broken up can't be friends, and if they are they were either never in love, or are still madly in love with each other. And let me just say that not a day went by that I haven't fallen more and more in love with you." I say, now crying hysterically.

"We've really fallen apart." She says giving a fake giggle obviously trying to lighten up the situation.

"Sometimes people needs to fall apart to realise how much they need to fall back together." I say.

"You're right. I should get going. My mum wants to see me."

"Ok, but before you go I just want to say something. You will make someone extremely happy one day. And whoever that person is, is the luckiest person in the whole world." I say trying to control my crying.

"Why would they be lucky?" She asked.

"Because they have the only thing in the world that I want." Once I said that she pulls me into a hug. I've missed this and I know this will probably be our last hug we share.

"I love you." She whispers in my ear.

"I love you too."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
Sometimes love takes a while.
If you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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