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Lauren Jauregui was seen leaving a nightclub with no other than Zayn malik.
*Picture attached
In the picture you can see the two holding hands.
The pair both look calm but also drunk.
The only thing that we can think about right now is Camila.
Are they over before they even started?
Will there be a new, hot, celebrity couple?

@LaurenJauregui: So how are you guys feeling today?

@ZaynandLo: @LaurenJauregui Please follow me!!

@ZaynandLo: @LaurenJauregui Followed you cutie

@zaynmalik: Had a good night with @LaurenJauregui definitely need to do it again soon.

@LaurenJauregui: @zaynmalik Yes!! Funniest night of my live

@LaurenJauregui: The future is looking great for us

@Zaurenisreal: @LaurenJauregui Are you two dating!!!!!!

@zaynmalik: @Zaurenisreal @LaurenJauregui Nope, but we do have chemistry


Lauren❤❤: Camz I've got some really exciting news!!!

Lauren❤❤: Hello?

Lauren❤❤: I know you don't have work so that can't be the reason why you're not replying.


Lauren❤❤: Have I done something wrong to you?

Lauren❤❤: Please answer me.

Lauren❤❤: I miss you

Lauren❤❤: ................

@LaurenJauregui: @camilacabello97 is ignoring me so maybe if I tweet her she'll notice me and luv me..HI CAMZ!

@camilacabello97: @LaurenJauregui Hi Lauren...

Phone call

L: Hello.


L: Have I done something wrong?

C: No.

L: So why have you been ignoring me?

C: I haven't Lauren. I actually have better things to do with my time than waste my time talking to someone like you!

L: Woah, where did that come from? What have I done and don't say nothing because it obviously is something.

C: It's just going to sound stupid so don't worry about it.

L: Anything that you say isn't stupid. And I am worrying about it because I don't want you to be annoyed with me.

C: I saw the pictures and tweets.

L: What?

C: Between you and Zayn. You left the club with him right. So you two obviously hooked up.

I couldn't help but laugh at her jelously.

C: It's not funny Lauren!

L: Ok sorry. It's not what it look like.

C: So what really went on then?

L: Yes me and Zayn left the club together. The only reason why is because my phone died and I had no way of getting home, I was also-

C: So why were you holding his hand?

L: If you let me finish everything will make sense. I was also very drunk. Like so drunk I couldn't even stand for more than 5 seconds without falling straight on my arse. Zayn was holding my hand so I don't fall and make a fool of myself. Also, my manager doesn't want me drinking so Zayn helped me out.

C: So nothing is going on between you two? He said you two has. chemistry.

L: Nothing is going on between us. I'll admit we do have chemistry, but when we're writing and recording. Me and Zayn were writing before we got to the club. We work really well together to be honest.

C: Ok.

L: So are we ok now?

C: We're perfect.

L: Can I ask you something?

C: Sure.

L: Why do you care anyway? I mean we're not dating. I can still have sex with anyone that I want to.

C: I don't care.

L: Yes you do.

C: No I don't.

L: Yes you d-

"Lauren." I heard Will call me.

L: I'll call you later babe.

C: Ok. Bye.

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