The feeling

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Lauren Jauregui and Zayn Malik joined each other in a interview where they promoted and performed their brand new song 'The feeling'.
First of let me just say that I am in love with the song. It had everyone in the office of their seats and dancing.
James Corden interviewed the pair and let's just say, things got a little steamy with the questions asked.
Click below to watch the full interview and performance.

"So starting the show, we have two of the most biggest pop stars in this world performing their brand new song. Give it up for Zayn Malik and Lauren Jauregui." As soon as James said our names the only sound that could be heard was screaming. I don't know why but I'm really nervous to be performing with Zayn. I think it's because I've looked up to him and we're really good friends. I just don't want to disappoint him I guess.

You are to me
A part of me just like anatomy
You're pulling me
You're pulling me in like you're gravity

I'm notorious for thinking you're full of beautiful
Instead of hollow
Sugar on your lips, it's hard to kill
Jagged like a pill, so hard to swallow

[Zayn and Lauren:]
Am I in love with you? Am I in love with you?
Or am I in love with the feeling?
Trying to find the truth, trying to find the truth
Sometimes the heart is deceiving
Can't get out of my head, and I need you to save me
If I am delusional then maybe I'm crazy
In love with you, am I in love with you?
Or am I in love with the feeling?

You give to me
Everything, anything that I could dream
And at least that's what it seems
Could it be I don't know what's good for me?

I'm notorious for thinking you're full of beautiful
Instead of hollow
Sugar on your lips, it's hard to kill
Jagged like a pill, so hard to swallow

[Zayn and Lauren:]
Am I in love with you? Am I in love with you?
Or am I in love with the feeling?
Trying to find the truth, trying to find the truth
Sometimes the heart is deceiving
Can't get out of my head, and I need you to save me
If I am delusional then maybe I'm crazy
In love with you, am I in love with you?
Or am I in love with the feeling?

I'm sinking faster and faster
Between heaven and disaster
Sorry if I made you feel like
I'm standing on the borderline

[Zayn and Lauren:]
Am I in love with you? Am I in love with you?
Or am I in love with the feeling?
Trying to find the truth, trying to find the truth
Sometimes the heart is deceiving
Can't get out of my head, and I need you to save me
If I am delusional then maybe I'm crazy
In love with you, am I in love with you?
Or am I in love with the feeling?

We finished the song and I soon felt Zayn wrap his arms around me to pull me into a hug. I quietly screamed to myself because of how well the performance went.

"And that is how you do it!" James shouts making me and Zayn smile.

"Thank you." We both say taking a seat.

"So that song is your new song called 'The feeling." He says but almost questions.

"Yes." Zayn says nodding his head slightly.

"How did the idea come about?" James asked and Zayn looks at me indicating that he wants me to answer.

"Well, I had already wrote about a third of the song." I say and James nods.
"Long story short, me and Zayn met up and I told him about the song. We met again a couple of days later, finished writing the song and then we recorded it."

"Ok. So I was thinking that we could play a game. I have 3 paddles here. One for me and two for you." He says pointing to me and Zayn.
"On one side of the paddle it says 'I have' and on the other side it says 'I haven't'. I'll ask a question and you just have to answer the question with I have or haven't."

"Let's do this." Zayn says rubbing his hands together making me laugh slightly.

"First question." James says.
"Have you ever done anything sexual with someone knowing that your friends were in the same room as you two?"

"Erm." I say laughing. I look to my right to see Zayn's paddle on 'I have'.

"You have to be one hundred percent honest Lauren." He says so I decide to be honest. I flip my paddle over so it's facing 'I have'.

"Next question, have you two ever hooked up with the same person?"

I flip my paddle over to 'I haven't' and look at Zayn to see that his is on 'I haven't' too.

"Last question. Have you ever had sex on the phone?"
I keep my paddle on 'I have'.
"So Lauren, who to?" He asked and I hear Zayn laugh next to me.

"Erm-" I start but Jame quickly interrupts me.

"Why did you just laugh." He asked pointing to Zayn.

"I don't know." He says trying to keeps a straight face.

"Was it you what Lauren had sex with on the phone?" James asked and now it was my turn to laugh.

"Oh my God." I say trying to stop laughing.
"No we haven't done anything like that."

"I don't believe you." James says smiling.

"I don't really care if you don't." Zayn says in a serious tone, so I look at him to see if he's ok.

"Alright, well that's all we have time for. Give it up for Lauren and Zayn."

After the show I decide to go on Twitter. I see that Camila tweeted me so I clicked on her tweet.

@camilacabello97: Good job tonight @LaurenJauregui @zaynmalik Love the song.

I was annoyed with her. Actually I still kind of am. She ignored my tweet to tweet that dickhead Michael. It may seem stupid that I'm annoyed at her because she tweeted him, but me and Michael have never gotten along. We have so much bad history that I can't even be bothered to get into.
I decide to tweet her because at the end of the day she doesn't know about the bad blood between me and him.

@LaurenJauregui: @camilacabello97 Thank you! That means a lot.

As soon as I tweet her back my phone blows up with Camren tweets. I'm glad my fans like her because even though I haven't know her for long, she still means a lot to me. I never want her to be upset, so I'm glad that she isn't getting death threats. Most people that I hang around with always get tweets about them being killed. I don't know why but it's like my fans expect me to always be theirs. They expect me to only want them. I love them with all my heart, but there will come a day when I get into a relationship. Maybe it will be with Camila.
I decided to tweet one last thing before going home and calling it a night.

@LaurenJauregui: I didn't even know I could get jelous, but then I met you and suddenly I don't want anyone near my baby.

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