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Camila's P.O.V

I woke up by the sunlight shining through the window.
I felt Lauren shift slightly next to me. She looked so adorable sleeping. I loved the way her chest would lift and gently fall. I loved how her hair would fall over her face and how her lips slightly part as she sleeps.
I love her.

I smiled to myself remembering last night. Last night didn't just seem like a normal fuck, it seemed and felt so much more different. It felt magical and I hope that everytime we have sex it feels like that.

"You do realise starring is rude." I was interrupted out of my memory by Lauren's harsh but gently voice.

"Well I like staring at beautiful things, so I don't care if I get called rude." I say and she pulls the quilt over the face making me laugh.

"I've not even been awake 10 seconds and your already making me blush."

"That's my job. I'm going to go and make breakfast, are you coming or?"

"I'm going to take a shower first. Can I borrow some of your clothes?" She asked.

"You never have to ask. You should now that by now. I'll see you when your ready." I say before slipping my thongs and an oversized jumper on. I make my way down the stairs humming quietly to myself,but quickly stop when I see my mum sitting on the sofa that me and Lauren and sex on last night.

"Ah your up." I hear my mum say.

"Yes. Erm what are you doing here?" I asked wanting this conversation to end quickly so she will leave. I don't want her knowing that Lauren is here. It's not that I'm ashamed of her it's just that my mum doesn't like her.

"I came to talk to you. So please sit down so this conversation isn't awkward." I sit on the sofa opposite from her.
"I've been reading a lot of magazines lately." She says while looking at me. I can feel my heart beat rise because if she knows about me and Lauren, I am fucked.

"Ok." I say and just by my voice you can tell I'm nervous.

"I've seen a lot of stories. Some stories that I've read have been extremely interesting. I've read some about that Lauren Jauregui girl." My mum says and I'm suprised I haven't already fainted.

I know I shouldn't be afraid of what my mum says but I am. Actually, It isn't really that I'm afraid I just want her to be proud of me.
That's the only thing that I've ever wanted. I always wanted my family to be proud of me and the things that I do.

"So why do you want to talk to me?" I asked trying to play dumb.

"I've seen your name and picture along side Lauren's." She says and I take a deep, shaky breath.
"I didn't know if I should believe them, so I went onto Lauren's Twitter. I saw a few tweets to your twitter account."

"Mum I can explain, plea-"

"So Camz I was thinking we could-" I was cut of by Lauren and Lauren was cut of by my mum's glare. Lauren stood in the doorway with a questioning look on her face.

"So your Lauren Jauregui." I hear my mum say.

"Erm yes. Who are you?" Lauren asked.

"I'm Camila's mother." She says and I see Lauren's eyes widen.

"Oh. Well it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs Cabello." Lauren says stepping forward and extending her hand for my mum to shake.

"Pleasure to meet you too Lauren." My mum says and right not my mind is blown. I had expected my mum to go bilistic and tell me I'm not allowed to see Lauren again, but no, she's being nice.

"So mum." I say.
"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well I just wanted to see if the rumours were true or not, but this." She says pointing to me and Lauren.
"Clears up my confusion."

"So your not mad." I asked.

"No. Well I'm slightly disappointed that I had to find out through a magazine, but I'm sure you had your reasons to why you never told me."

"I didn't think you would accept us." I say and soon after I feel Lauren intertwine our fingers. I looked down at out locked hands and smile to myself.

"Neither did I. That's another reason why I came here. I want to get to know you Lauren." She says looking away from me and directly at my girlfriend. Wait. Can I call her my girlfriend still? I'll have to ask her about it.
"I'm inviting you and Camila round for dinner tomorrow. That way we will be able to get to know you and you will be able to get to know us. How does that sound."

"It sounds perfect." I hear Lauren say.

After a few more minutes my mum left and I started making mine and Lauren's breakfast. Half way through cooking I felt Lauren wrap her arms around my waist.

"Your mum seems nice." She says before placing a kiss on my cheek.

"She is incredible." I say.

"She is. This smells amazing by the way."

"And it will taste a lot more amazing." I joke and Lauren giggles in my ear making my whole body shiver. Once we ate my breakfast Lauren had to go for a meeting so I was left by myself. I went onto Twitter to try and keep myself sane while she was gone.

@Lerncamzi: Imagine pleasuring Lauren and hearing her breaths become quicker and shallower. Hearing her gasp and pant as she becomes more desperate.

@Lerncamzi: I bet @camilacabello97 imagines it.

@camilacabello97: @Lerncamzi: I thought you only imagined things if they weren't true?

As soon as I tweeted that my phone was blowing up with notifications from Twitter. Maybe that was a bad decision to make?

Writer's note

Hi guys!
Sorry if there is any mistakes I literally typed most of this at 4 this morning.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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