I'm sorry

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If you guys have any suggestions about how this story could go, please message me.

"Lauren, you have a busy month coming up." Will starts talking.
"Tour tickets go on sale next week, so for starters I need you to announce that. I always want you to do another Q&A and please answer more questions this time. I want you tweet Justin about one of your songs that you want him to feature on. I've already spoken with him and he said that's fine. You are also heading back home next week to do a free show, so I need to tell your fans about that. And lastly, if you want to do meet ups tell them about that too." Will finally finished. I swear he never stops talking. I'm just excited to go back home. Me and Camila still has a date to attend to.

@LaurenJauregui: Got a lot of exciting things to tell you guys!!!!!

I look back at my phone about 5 minutes later to see that it got 457,079 likes. I love how excited my fans get about stuff like this. It just makes me keep pushing myself. It makes all this craziness in my life worth it.

@LaurenJauregui: Tickets to my world tour goes on sale next week!! ;)

@LaurenJauregui: @justinbieber How about that feature? I've got the perfect song :p

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui I'm in Miami for 2 weeks. When are you coming back. Can't wait any longer to hear this song.

@LaurenJauregui: @justinbieber I'm actually in Miami next week.

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui I'll see you next week then ;)

@LaurenJauregui: Next week I'm back in Miami and I will be doing a free show.

@LaurenJauregui: Also, how does meet ups sound? :)

Within minutes my phone was blowing up. People were excited about different things and this just made me excited.

@camilacabello97: @LaurenJauregui YAYYYYY!!!! You still owe me a date Jauregui!

@LaurenJauregui: @camilacabello97 And you will still get that date Cabello.

@LaurenJauregui: How about a quick Q&A? Use the hashtag #AskLauren

@camilacabello97: @LaurenJauregui Can next week come sooner? #AskLauren

@LaurenJauregui: @camilacabello97 I don't think so Camz, but the wait will be worth it.

@JakeJauregui: @LaurenJauregui Is it weird how much your live has changed? #AskLauren

@LaurenJauregui: @JakeJauregui It is extremely weird. I get to do things that I could only dream of.

@LaurenJauregui: @JakeJauregui But it's because of you guys that I'm able to do these<3

@HolyJauregui: @LaurenJauregui You are definitely coming to London right? #AskLauren

@LaurenJauregui @HolyJauregui Definantly!

@DaddyLauren: @LaurenJauregui Will the meet up be for free and how many people can come? #AskLauren

@LaurenJauregui: @DaddyLauren Of course they will be for free. I'm going to meet everyone that is there.

@LaurenJauregui: @DaddyLauren And if I can't meet everyone in one day I'll continue the meet up the day after.

@CummingLo: @LaurenJauregui
Bruh date Camila already. #AskLauren

@LaurenJauregui: @CummingLo Bruhhhhh.

@SexyLern: @LaurenJauregui Stop ignoring me!!!!! #AskLauren

@LaurenJauregui: @SexyLern I'm so sorry babe. How are you? I love you so much cutie<3

Text message

Camz: Hey Lauren.

Lo: Hi

Camz: I'm sorry about the other day.

Lo: You don't have to apologise. It was me overreacting.

Camz: No. I understand that you was upset or angry with me. I think I would be to.

Lo: So why did you ignore me?

Camz: I didn't. Michael tweeted me straight after you did. My phone literally blew up with notifications. His fans were all tweeting me (mostly death threats) that I didn't see your tweet. Then one of your fans tweeted saying that I ignored you. So, I went on your account and tweeted you back. I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally.

Lo: I forgive you and I believe you. I know that you would never do anything to hurt me. I really like you Camz.

Camz: And I really like you too Lo.

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