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1 month later

Lauren Jauregui only has a month left of pregnancy. Lauren and Zayn are extremely excited about this and can't wait for the baby to come. Zayn was on the Jonathan Ross show and couldn't contain his excitement. We haven't seen a lot of Lauren but her fiance, Camila Cabello posted a picture of Lauren.
*Picture Attached
We still can't get over how good Lauren looks for someone that is 8 months pregnant. We can't wait until Lauren gives birth because we know hers and Zayn's baby will be gorgeous.
What do you think about this situation.
Join us again tomorrow for some more juicy stories.

"Lauren, you only have a month left. You need to start resting more." Zayn says trying to get me to stay inside with him.

"I've stayed in for two weeks straight." I say fed up with Zayn trying to babysit me.
"I'm going to the studio, not out partying. I'll be fine."

"I don't doubt that you won't be. It's just that I've seen so many stories about people going into labour early. What if you do and something happens. I want to be there Lauren." How can I stay mad at him when he's this sweet.

"Fine." I give in.

"No sit down." He says patting the space next to him.

Once I sit down he just stares at me and I can't help but feel slightly uncomfortable.

"What?" I snap. I didn't mean for it to come out that way.

"How's the wedding planning going." He better not start with 'She's no good for you'.

"It's going great." I simply say.

"Well that's good. I still don't think she's-"

"Look Zayn why don't you just fucking leave if your going to talk shit about my fiance. I love her and I know that she's changed. I don't need your fucking opinion so if your going to be disrespectful about mine and Camila's relationship just go." I should and Zayn looks shocked. I don't know where the courage to speak to him like that came from, but it felt kind of good.

"I'm not being disrespectful." He says trying to defend himself.

"You think your not but you are. I've been trying for month to get you to like Camila because I care about your opinion. Your one of the only people's opinion that I do care about. I know now that it was all pointless." I say trying to calm myself down.

"Camila's tried?" He asked before laughing.
"Camila hasn't fucking tried so don't fucking say shit like that."

"Oh now your finally standing up for yourself. Zayn Malik actually has a mouth. Camila has tried, me and her has sat down for hours talking about how she wants you to like her. That's all she seems to fucking do, try to get people to like her. She shouldn't because if people like you can't see how amazing she is they aren't worth it." At this point I had turned red in the face and was breathing heavily.
I felt a sharp pain which made me wince slightly but I chose to ignore it when Zayn started shouting again.

"Of course you would say that. Camila will always come first, before anybody. I bet even when Jasmine is born you will put Camila before her."

"Don't you ever fucking say that." I say shouting louder than I ever thought I could.
"Our baby will come before anyone. How could you even think that will happen. Your pathetic. Just because you don't like Camila your trying to blame it on me." I could still feel the sharp pain in my stomach and I could easily cry at any moment.

"I'm pathetic how could you- are you ok?" He asked concerned when he saw my pale face and me looking towards the ground.

I couldn't respond. I knew what was happening but It was too soon to happen. That's when it happened.

"My waters have broke."

Writer's note

3 more chapters left off this story.
Because there are only 3 chapters left I will be doing a ustream in 5 hours. Comment below if you will be watching.
Also, comment below questions that you will want me to answer.
It can be about this story, the sequel of any of to my other stories. It doesn't even need to be about my stories just anything you would like to know.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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