The hospital

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Btw Sofi is 13 in this story.
Merry Christmas you beautiful people<3

Camila cabello is in hospital after Hailee steinfeld physically abused her. Hailee posted the video on Instagram and even tagged Lauren Jauregui in it. Sources close to Hailee has told us that police has let Hailee go without punishment. Lauren was seen entering the hospital yesterday but left after about 10 minutes. When the pop star left the hospital her eyes and face was read, so we can only imagine she had been crying. We wish the best for Lauren and hope she is dealing with this situation ok. We also hope that Camila wakes up shortly. Our prayers are with them both.

"This has got to be a joke!" I shout.

"Lauren hunny. We are just as mad about this as you are, but there is nothing we can do about it." Sinu says trying to calm me down.

"They can't just let her go. Do they not understand how much damage she has caused!"

"She has good layers Lauren." Sinu says.

"Yeah, but I have better. I'll call every layer I know until something is done."

"How about we sort that out after Camila wakes up. We shouldn't focus on Hailee. Camila is our main focus at the moment."

"Your right." I say.
"Can I go in?" I asked.

"Sure. Alejandro and Sofi are in there" I nod and open the doors. Alejandro smiles at me before standing up.

"We'll leave you." He says.

"I don't want to go. I want to stay!" Sofi whines.

"Let's just leave her alone for a wh-"

"She can stay with me if you like." I suggest.

"I imagine you'd like to be alone though." He says.

"It will be nice to have some company." I say and Sofi hugs my waist.

Alejandro nodded softly before leaving me and Sofi alone with Camila.

"You still lover her don't you?" Sofi asks looking up at me.

"With all my heart." I respond.

"So why did you break up with her. She was a mess when you left." I instantly felt guilty.

"It's complicated." I say.

"I'm not a child Lauren." She says.

"I know your not. I just don't want to go into it."

"She cheated on you didn't she?" Sofi asked me and I nodded.
"I saw the pictures. Honestly I thought if anything it would've been you that cheated."

"If im being honest, I thought it would've been me too." I admit.

"She loves you."

"You don't hurt people you love." I say.

"You've both hurt each other."

"I never hurt her intentionally. I never did anything like what she did. If I hurt her it wasn't on purpose." I respond.

"You should forgive her." Sofi says.

"I can-" We were interrupted by shouting outside of the room. Seconds later Hailee came through the doors. I unintentionally clenched my jaw and my hand squeezed shut.

"Get out." Alejandro says but Hailee never listened. She was staring at me and I was staring right back.

"Did you come here to see what you done. Are you that fucked up in the head that you came to see the mess that you've caused." I sternly say.

"This has nothing to do with you Lauren. I came to see how my friend is doing." Hailee says stepping forwards.

"You're not going anywhere near her." I say stepping infront of her. She went to push me but I quickly grabbed her hands.
"If I was you I'll leave before I do something I regret."

"And what exactly will you do Lauren?" She smugly asks.

"I will fucking destroy you. You will be the one in the hospital if you don't fuck off. Do you under-"

"S-stop." I heard a soft voice from behind me say. My head snapped back so fast I'm suprised I didn't break it. Camila is awake.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I hope you like this.
If you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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