It worked.

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Lauren Jauregui and Zayn Malik went for a romantic meal last night. Zayn flew out from London so that he could treat his girlfriend to a late birthday present. Aparently Lauren never knew Zayn was coming, so was suprised when he turned up at his house..We have a picture of the pair and they look extremely good. Sources close to Zayn are telling us that Lauren may be pregnant! We can not 100% confirm this, but when we get news we will be sure to let you guys know.
Tell us how cute you think a Zauren baby would be.
Join us again tomorrow for some more juicy stories.

Flashback - Camila's P.O.V

"So it worked?" Keana asked me.

"Perfectly. I didn't think it would to be honest." I admit.

"Well it did. She was so jelous." She says laughing.

"I kind of feel bad though." I say.
"She's in a relationship with Zayn. I should respect that."

"Just stop thinking about Zayn. This is Camren we're talking about. You were Lauren's first love, first relationship. You will come before anyone."

"So why haven't I got her back yet?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because Zayn is her bestfriend and maybe she's getting romantic emotions confused for friendly emotions." Keana suggests.

"You could be right, but what if she actually likes him? What if last night was just another mistake to her?"

"I've known Lauren for years. I know that she had never been in love until she met you. I know that she still looks at you like your the moon. I know that she may say it's a mistake, but she doesn't mean it."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure." Keana says taking a sip of her drink.

"Do you know if Lauren is pregnant?" As soon as I say that Keana spits her drink out. She then starts laughing like I'm the funniest person she's ever met.

"I don't think so. Why do you ask?"

"Zayn said he thinks that she might be." I say and Keana's eyes slightly goes wide.

"Oh, well I'm not sure. I guess that would explain why she was sick the other day."

"She didn't drink alcohol last night either." I admit.

"Well, I guess we'll have to find out."

Lauren's P.O.V

"So how was your birthday?" Zayn asked before taking a sip of his drink.

"It was fun. I really enjoyed myself." If only he knew.

"That's good. I was worried that something happened between you and Camila." I whole body tensed once he said that.
"I heard a rumour that you and her were arguing. I thought it might have ruined your birthday."

"No we never. We were fine. Everyone had fun yesterday. How was being home?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"It was great. I never knew how much I missed home until I saw my family. You should come down with me one time and meet them all properly."

"Yeah, I'll have to." I say smiling at him.

"They'll love you. Trust me" He says smiling. I don't get how I can sit here and act like I've done nothing wrong. I fucked Camila last night.

"Are you feeling better? I know you didn't feel too good." He asked and it just reminds me of why I'm in a relationship with him.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better. It was just one of those 24 hour bugs I guess."

"Are you sure that's all?" He asked.

"What else could it be?" I say.

"We've had sex Lauren." He whispers.
"And we haven't used protection. All the signs have lead to pregnancy. So please tell me the truth. Are we having a baby?"

Writer's note

Hi guys!
Where are you guys from because when I update at about 5 in the morning I see people saying it 3 in the morning where they are and I find that insane that people from different countries are reading this story.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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