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@zaynmalik: Yesterday was fun @LaurenJauregui @camilacabello97

@LaurenJauregui: @zaynmalik @camilacabello97 We'll have to do it again soon!

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui Jauregui we need to meet soon.

@LaurenJauregui: @justinbieber Damn right we do.

@CamzandLolo: @LaurenJauregui I know you and Camila aren't together anymore, but do you like this?
*Picture attached

@LaurenJauregui: @CamzandLolo This is beautiful! I'll definitely show Camila this.

Once I tweeted that I sent Camila that same picture.


Camz: What is this?

Lauren: A fan tweeted it to me and I wanted you to see it.

Camz: Why?

Lauren: Because I think it's beautiful and she did it for the both of us, so I thought you should see it.

Camz: What's her Twitter?

Lauren: @CamzandLolo

Camz: She's really talented. Have you seen other stuff that she's done?

Lauren: Yes, I remember her from a few months ago. She drew me. She incredible at drawing.

Camz: Yeah.

Lauren: So.

Camz: So.

Lauren: About yesterday.

Camz: What about yesterday?

Lauren: Don't play dumb Camz.

Camz: I'm not. I'm asking a question.

Lauren: When we almost kissed.

Camz: But we never.

Lauren: That doesn't change the fact that we almost did. I'm not a cheater Camila and that can't happen again.

Camz: So make sure it don't happen again.

Lauren: What do you mean?

Camz: End whatever you and Zayn has going on. We can start again. We can start fresh.

Lauren: We've spoken about this.

Camz: No we haven't. You may have thought about it, but you never spoke to me.

Lauren: When you cheated on me the trust that we had went. I don't think I'll be again to trust you again.

Camz: I was drunk. I know that isn't exactly a good enough excuse but I was hurt. If you gave me another chance I'll show you that our relationship is worth it.

Lauren: I'm with Zayn.

Camila: Is it because he can give you things that I can't?

Lauren: What are you on about?

Camz: He has money. He can pay for expensive things for you. Is that what this is about.

Lauren: So you think I'm like that. That I only care about gifts and money. Thanks.

Camz: I didn't mean it like that.

Lauren: You've said enough. I'll talk to you see.

I didn't have time to message Lauren back because I heard someone knock at my door. I'm at passed off that I made Lauren angry at me again.
When I opened the door I was so confused. Zayn was standing there

"Hello?" I question.

"Hi. Can I come in." He asked.

"Sure." I say stepping aside so he was able to get pass. He walked into my living room and sat down on the sofa. I sat on the sofa opposite him.

"So why are you here?" I asked.

"I don't want me and you to be awkward." He says. Of course it will be fucking awkward you dick!!

"It's not awkward." I lie.

"I don't want you to think that I've stolen Lauren from you." Too late, I already think that. Actually,no. I know you've stolen her from me.

"I don't think that at all." I lie once again.

"Ok good." He says smiling.

"Don't hurt her. I mean it." I say.

"I promise I won't." He responds.

"You better not because I swear I will fucking hu-"

"I won't hurt her." He interrupts me.
"I plan on staying with her a long time."

"A lot of people say that." I say.

"But I'm being serious. I see a future for us. I've just got this crazy idea that we will grow up old and have our own children." Woah!! Back the fuck up.

"You want children?" I asked trying to sound calm.

"Yes. This is going to be awkward to say but me and Lauren has already had sex. We didn't use protection and I guess a bit of me is hoping that she is pregnant."


"Oh cool. Well I wish you and her the very best. I'd love to continue talking but I really have to go and take a shower." I say and he nods.

Once he leaves my house I collapse to the floor and break down crying. After a few minutes of crying I make my way into the kitchen. I open the cupboard to reveal a bottle of vodka.

When Lauren went on tour vodka was my only friend when I was upset, and well I'm devastated right now.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
Don't kill me for this...
Do you think Lauren is pregnant or isn't she?
If you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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