Don't let her hurt you

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"So what about instead of this we add in this." Justin says quickly writing down some lyrics.

"Maybe you should know that
My mama don't like you and she likes everyone
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on
But now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own" He sings.

"That's amazing." He looks at me in almost disbelief.
"Seriously it is. I really like it. I actually had these lyrics stuck in my head all day. Do you mind if I sing them and you tell me what you think."

"Sure thing." He says giving me a smile.

"For all the times that you made me feel small
I fell in love, now I feel nothin' at all
Had never felt so low when I was vulnerable
Was I a fool to let you break down my walls?" I sing and I hear Justin begin to clap. I contain help but blush at his kindness.

"So now we've pretty got a full song." He says.

"Yep. Now all that we have to do is figure out where the bits will go and then actually record it." I say and Justin nods in agreement.

"That's the easy bit. We could meet up tomorrow if you want and get it finished?"

"I can't tomorrow." I say.

"Why not?" He asked. "I mean you don't have to tell me, I was just wondering."

"I've got a date." I say and start to blush. Yes, tomorrow is my date with Camila and I'm so excited for it. I've got it all planned. I just hope that she likes what we will be doing. I was actually that worried about it I asked my mum for advice. She now keeps going on about meeting Camila, so I was thinking about introducing them before I have to leave again.

"Awe, Who with?" He teases.

"Camila. We've been talking for quite a while. She's incredible." I say looking at Justin.

"I've seen some of your tweets to her. You seem to be happy. Just make sure that she's not using you for fame." He says and I was about to respond but he interrupted me.
"I'm not saying that she is, but you can never be too sure on who you can trust these days. I've dated some people that have used me, but deep down you know if they are."

"I know that she's not. She isn't that kind of person. She's different from the rest. She actually cares about me and about what I want."

"Just don't let her hurt you." He says.

"I won't."

After Justin left the recording studio I stayed there and started writing. Lately I've been feeling really inspired. I don't know why but it's almost as though a light bulb has lit inside of me. I clicked on Twitter and saw that Justin mentioned me in a few tweets.

@justinbieber: Great day in the studio with @LaurenJauregui
*Picture attached

@justinbieber: @LaurenJauregui This song is going a seller. Can't wait for you guys to hear it.

I decided to rt both of his tweets and respond to his last one.

@LaurenJauregui: @justinbieber They'll love it. I had a great time. (Thanks for the advice)

@zaynmalik: @LaurenJauregui You'll have to give me a little sneak peak of the song ;)

@LaurenJauregui: @zaynmalik Of course I will.

I looked on Camila's Twitter and saw a number of tweets.

@camilacabello97: Tomorrow!!!

@camilacabello97: It's going to be so perfect.

@camilacabello97: I can't wait.

She's so freaking cute. Tomorrow I'm going to make things official.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
There is so much drama lately and I can not be bothered with any of it.
I'm going to go on a little rant and this will be the only time.
Camila is doing what she loves. So what if she did a song without Fifth harmony. They aren't breaking up anytime soon!!
I will admit, when I first found out about 'Ikwydls' I was not happy at all. I didn't want the song to happen because of all the problems that I thought it would cause. I didn't actually even listen to the song until about a week after it came out. I really like the song.
I understand that everyone has their different opinions about the song, some like it and some hate it. I just find it absolutely disgusting that some 'fans' are sending death threats to Camila. Your suppose to support ALL the girls, not fucking send death threats to them. I've seen so many people say 'Camila is addressing it'. Yesterday she did and personally I don't think she should have. She shouldn't have to 'prove a point' just to keep some fake, immature fans happy.
I don't care if you don't like the song. The only thing that I do care about is the way you choose to go about it. If you are sending hate to Camila, please rethink it. She sees the tweets and it hurts her.

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