The scan

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Please read Writer's note at the end .

"Hey Zayn, can you please call me back. We're suppose to be at the hospital in an hour." This is the fifth voice mail that I've left him and he still hasn't got back to me. We've been fine so I don't see any reason for him to be just ignoring me, especially today out of all days. Today we find out what we're having and we've been so excited.

I felt my phone buzzing, I looked down and saw that it was Zayn.

L: Hello, where are you?

Z: I'm really sorry.

L: Why are you sorry.

He better still be coming. This is our child, not just mine.

Z: I can't make it but please-

L: Don't worry. I don't need you.

Z: Can you please just hear me out.

L: Fine, what's you excuse?

Z: My mum is in hospital. She had a heart attack and I know I should be with you but I-

L: No I understand. I would probably slap you if you weren't with your mum. I'm really sorry to hear that. How is she.

Z: The doctors said she'll be fine.

L: That's good.

Z: Yeah, when you find out the sex could you call or message me please?

L: Of course I will.

Z: Wouldn't you be able to get a friend to go with you?

L: I'm not sure, I'll try but I've got to go otherwise I'll be late for the appointment.

Z: Ok, I'll talk to you later.

L: Bye.

Z: Bye.

I hung up the phone and felt bad for Zayn's mum. She's such a lovely women and she doesn't deserve something like this happening to her.

The first person that I think of calling is Dinah, but she doesn't answer.
I then call my Dad but he's at work. Chris isn't answering and Taylor and Mum are having a day out.
My only option left is Camila, but I'd be very suprised if she even answered the phone.

C: Hello

L: Hi Camz

C: What do you want?

L: Zayn has let me down.

C: So you want me? What is it even for.

L: I'll always want you, I thought I made that pretty clear and I find out what I'm having today. I don't really want to go myself.

C: You want me to come with you to find out what gender baby your having?

L: Yes and I really need an answer because my appointment is soon and I haven't even left yet.

C: Pick me up in 5.

L: Your the best. I love you Camz.

Me and Camila finally made it to the hospital. We had another 5 minutes until it was my appointment and there was a very awkward silence between us.

"I'm sorry." We both say at the same time. We look at each other and burst into laughter.

"You first." Camila says.

"I'm sorry for the way how I reacted. It was stupid and childish of me. I told you to move on and that's what you tried to do. I just, I think that when I left you I was hoping you wouldn't let me go so easily." I truthfully say.

"When you left me I tried everything to get you back. Even when you was with Zayn." Camila says.

"I really wish we-" I was cut off by the nurse calling my name. Me and Camila followed her until we reached the last room on the right.

I layed down on the bed and Camila sat on the chair next to me.

"Could you pull up your top." The nurse asked and I did as I was told.
"This will be feel cold at first but you'll get use to it." She was right, It is cold.

She started rubbing the jelly with the device and after a few seconds my baby appeared on the screen. I looked at Camila and she was looking up with a huge smile plastered on her face. I looked back up and felt tears forming in my eyes.
Seeing my baby has just made this whole situation real.

"Everything seems to be fine. Would you like to know the sex of your baby?" She asked and I eagerly nodded.
"Congratulations your having a girl." She says and that's all it took to set me off.
I started crying and I didn't know why.

"I don't even know why I'm crying." I say laughing. I look at Camila who also has tears in her eyes.

"This happens all the time. It's most likely because your overwhelmed." She says.

"I'm having a little girl." I whisper smiling.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I need baby names!!!!!
Comment below what name you want the baby to have.
There won't be much more chapters to this story, but I was thinking about creating a sequel to it.
I was also thinking about making a one shots story. So if you have any one shots that you would like me to do please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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