I don't

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When Ally left us I had to get away from Camila. I had to think about mine and Zayn's future. He's my best friend and I don't want to hurt him, but I want to be the one to tell him about me and Camila. I'm now sat in my living room on the phone to Camila waiting for Zayn to come.

C: I don't think Ally will tell him.

L: You were there yesterday Camila, she was serious about it.

C: Do you think he will end it with you?

L: I wouldn't blame him if he did.

C: I'm sorry for everything.

L: It was me that kissed you both times. I'm also the one that is in a relationship and pregnant with his baby. I'm the one in the wrong here.

C: It takes two people to cheat you know. It was both our faults.

L: You have really fucked me up.

C: How have I?

L: You've hurt me so much Camz.

C: You know what, fuck you! For so long I thought that I was actually hurting you, but then I realised that it's you hurting me. When we first got together you said some fucking disgusting things to me. Then you pretty much play me. You fuck me and then you go back to your boyfriend. I'm not the one hurting you, you've broke my heart so many fucking times and I've had enough of it.

L: Camila I-

C: I can't even be bothered to hear what you have to say. If Zayn breaks up with you, don't come running to me because I've had enough. I'll see you around Lauren.

I didn't have time to respond because she had hung up the phone and I heard Zayn's voice echo through my house.

"Hey." He says before pulling me into a hug.

"Hi." I say forcing a smile.
We sit down next to each other and it's awkward silence for a while until he decides to speak.

"I've been thinking a lot lately." He says.
"I was talking to Ally the other day and everything made sense." No, he knows. Ally told him. This can't be happening, not right now.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"Sorry for what?" He actually going to make me say it.

"Ally told you didn't she?"

"Told me what?" Wait, maybe he doesn't know.

"What was you going to say?" I asked now curious.

"We were talking about you and our baby." He says and now I remember Ally mentioning that when she caught me and Camila.

"Ok?" I say.

"And, well I think I love you Lauren. Actually, I know I love you. I love you Lauren." Well, I wasn't expecting that.

"Erm." I say because I know I don't feel the same way about him.
I saw his face drop when I didn't say it back.

"You don't feel the same do you?" He asked and I couldn't handle telling him or even looking him in the eyes. I slowly shake my head.
"You still love her don't you?" He says and I finally look at him.

"Yes." I quietly say.

"What was you saying earlier about Ally?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter." I simply say looking down again.

"Laur, please tell me." He says placing his hand on my knee.

"Me and Camila we erm- it was - we had sex." I say and Zayn removes him hand from my knee and looks in complete and utter shock.

"You and Camila had sex?" He says and I nod.
"While we were together?" I nod again.

"I'm sorry." I say trying not to cry.

"Please just don't talk for a minute." He says standing up and pacing up and down.

"I don't think I can be in a relationship with you anymore." I don't say anything because I would've done the same if it was him.
"But I still want to be apart of our babies life."

"I would never stop you." I say truthfully.

"I'm not saying that we can go back to being best friends because this hurts. A lot."

"I know it does." I say.

"So, are you and Camila going to give it another try?" Well this has just got awkward.

"No. I'm just going to focus on our baby. I don't think I'm really too good in relationships." I say and he laughs slightly.

"I should get going." He says and I just nod.

I guess that the end of me and Zayn.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I bet you all like the last bit of this chapter don't you?
if you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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