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Before this start I just want to say HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!
I know it's not Christmas until tomorrow but I'm not sure if I will be updating because I'll be busy.
I hope you all have a good day. You are all amazing. I love you all!

It's Christmas and it's supposed to be a good day right? Well it's not. Well not the best day. Me and Camila were supposed to spend the day together but instead we're spending it with our families and single. I guess things don't always work out the way that we want them too.

I just want her back. I want to go to her house and hug her tight and tell her that we're going to be ok. But I know if I even saw her now I'd break down. It took everything that I had in my body to end things with her yesterday. Once I got home I cried for hours.

"Merry Christmas hunny." My mum says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Merry Christmas mum." I say kissing her on the cheek.

Once we've opened all our presents I make my way to my room to open, what I feel is the most important present. Camila's present.
I get it from my drawer and place it on my bed. I must have sat there staring at it for about 10 minutes before I started unwrapping it.

Once all the wrapping paper if off there is a box. I open it and there was a silver bracelet with a bow on. On the inside bracelet there was writing.

"When we're together, we can go further than the stars."

On the inside of the box there was a piece of paper folded up. I unfolded it and began reading it.

"Hi Lolo!!! When your reading this I will most likely be sitting opposite watching you reading this. Anyway, I hope you like the bracelet, I didn't really know what to get the girl that has everything. So, I hope this is ok. You're probably wondering why there is a bow on the bracelet because I'm the one that like bows and not you. It's because I want you to always remember who gave it to you. I know you go on tour next month so we won't be together. This way when your lonely at night you can look down at your bracelet and think of me. I don't expect you to do the nasty while thinking about me either ;)
I'm joking, if you do just call me first.
I'm glad we're together on a magical day like this and I'm glad you're my girlfriend. I've never been this happy before and I'm glad your the first person to make me experience it. You mean the world to me and I never want to loose you. So please never break up with me because I promise I'll never break up with you. I could continue writing this for hours and expressing my love for you, but I feel as though you may get bored. I love you so much Lauren. Happy Christmas beautiful."

I was sobbing at this point and I couldn't stop. Why did I have to go and end things so quickly. Our relationship ended quicker than it started and it tears me apart. I heard a knock at my bedroom door so I quickly wiped my eyes. My mum walked in and as soon as she saw me, her expression changed to a concerned one.

"Sweet heart, what's wrong." She says sitting down beside me.

"Me and Camila broke up yesterday." I say.

"Why?" My mum asked rubbing my back.

"She cheated on me with Hailee."

"I'm so sorry." She says before embracing me in a hug.

"It's fine. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" She asked looking into my eyes. My look down at the bracelet and note and smile and nod.

"I'm perfect."

Me and my mum make our way down stairs. We all eat our Christmas dinner and after play sing star. Once our fun is over I make my way to my bedroom to go to sleep. Before going to sleep I go on Twitter because I haven't been on it today.

@LaurenJauregui: Merry Christmas guys! I hope you have all had a good day with your families. I love you all.

A bunch of people tweet me back asking how my day went but then I see that Camila has tweeted me.

@camilacabello97: @LaurenJauregui
Merry Christmas Lo x

@LaurenJauregui: @camilacabello97 Merry Christmas x

I went onto her account because it's something that I did when we were together. It felt weird to not check her profile.

@camilacabello97: Merry Christmas guys!
*Picture attached

I rt it and my notifications goes crazy. I smile to myself before turning my phone off and falling into a peaceful sleep.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
The next chapter will be a six month skip. So it will be when is on the last day of her tour.
If you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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