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Warning smut

"So promise me that there is nothing going on between you and Hailee." I say sticking my pinky finger out.

"I promise." She says wrapping her pinky around mine.
"We're just friends. She's got a boyfriend anyway. Even if she never, you are the only person that I have eyes for." She says before kissing me gently.

"Your amazing." I say looking her in the eyes.

"I'm only amazing because I have you."

"Stop it." I say blushing slightly.

"Stop what?" She asked with a slight smirk on her face.

"Stop saying things that make me want to kiss you."

"Don't fight the urge Lauren." She says leaning in at the slowest pace possible. Just as our lips were about to meet I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I saw Will's name on the screen so I answered it.

"Hello." I say.

"Hi Lauren. So you and Camila are back together?"

"What how do you know about that," I asked.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that your fans know about it. Make hints on Twitter. Post a picture of you two and get Camila to tweet your or something. This way Simon should hopefully be of your back for a while."

"Ok I'll do it right now." I say before hanging up.
I explain to Camila what we need to do and she seemed fine with it.

@LaurenJauregui: Reunited and it feels so good!
*Picture attached

@camilacabello97: I'm so happy your here with me <3

@LaurenJauregui: @camilacabello97 I'll always be with you <3

@camilacabello97: @LaurenJauregui I know you will.

I looked at her and caught her starring at me in my eyes. She quickly looked away and started typing on her phone.

@camilacabello97: Your beautiful eyes, stare right into mine :*

"Your so cheesy." I say giggling slightly.

"It's you. You bring this side of me out."

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says leaning in and connecting our lips. I didn't realise that my phone was placed on both of our laps. It vibrated making both of us laugh into the kiss.

I quickly exit the room and answer the phone.

"Hello?" I say

"Lauren baby, when are you coming to see us?" I hear my Mother's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Soon, I promise. I've just been busy with everything."

"I understand." She says.
"How's you and Camila now? Is everything ok?"

"Everything is perfect."

The phone call eventually comes to an end. When I walk into the room I see Camila sitting down on her phone. Once she hears me come in her head snaps up and she gives me a toothless smile. I swear she never fails to take my breath away.
I grab my phone and go back into Twitter. I see that Camila tweeted again and I couldn't help but blush at what she tweeted.

@camilacabello97: There is nothing better than the taste of laughter when you kiss that one special person.

@camilacabello97: I really fucking love you <3

"Stop it." I say hiding my face into the crook of her neck. I hear her giggle slightly.

"I can't help it." She says before lifting my chin up and connecting our lips again.

Camila's P.O.V

I gently pulled away from Lauren and looked into her eyes. I saw the desire in her eyes as she looked into them. They were green, and there was a lust in them that made me feel wanted and desired. Lauren always makes me feel this way before we fuck, but this time it felt different. A good different

I felt Lauren's hand lift the bottom of my t-shirt and slowly inched its way upward. Her long, white, slender fingers pushed the bottom of my bra away from my small breasts, moving it over my hard, pink nipples. I layed back on the sofa and allowed Lauren to do as she wished. I felt her fingernails as they teased and as they rolled my nipples. First the right and then the left were teased, toyed and played with. Then, her fingers begin to squeeze, slowly, exquisitely putting pressure on my right nipple. I couldn't help but winced from the pain, holding back a squeal. I could never decide if I loved the leasing or if I hated it. I felt my juices come come up making me moan softly.

My nipples were responding to the touch of Lauren. They had their own desire, their own will, they were swollen from the pinching, and then those luscious fingers began to pull hard, and to hold them. One at a time, my nipples were the center of attention. One at a time, they caused my black panties to get wetter and wetter.

I felt Lauren leaned over, parted her lips and kissed me with desire. Her tongue darted inside my mouth and swirled back and forth. The tip of her hot, wet tongue touched my gums, teeth, everything. It was so good.

The hand slowly moved down my flat stomach, like an inch-worm, letting the feelings course through my body.
Her fingers lifted the elastic of my black panties and slid inside, down, down. My lips were wet, and my panties were wet. One finger separated my wet lips. I gasped at the feel of Lauren's fingers touching my most intimate area. Another joined, and then two slim fingers pushed inside of me.

I opened my legs wide to give her more access. I pushed my hips up so the Lauren could enter me fully. I made the mistake of looking down to see Lauren watching as her fingers disappeared inside of me. I felt another gush of wetness come out of me and in the corner of my eye I could see Lauren smirking.

I looked back over at Lauren and to my surprise she had her left hand inside her panties and was rubbing herself. "Oh my God", I moaned.
"She's so fucking sexy" I thought but then my thoughts drifted back to my throbbing vagina, feeling Lauren's fingers go in and out, in and out.

Lauren removed her fingers from her own vagina and put them to my lips. This was too much. The sweet, musky taste, the scent and taste of Lauren sent me into pleasure's hidden place. Lauren shoved the pussy drenched fingers into my mouth and shortly after I felt my orgasm approaching.

"Laur- Lauren. Fuck I'm so close." I moaned still able to taste her juices.

"Cum for me Camz." She says before quickly pulling her fingers out of me.

"What the- FUCK!" I screamed when I felt her hot mouth nibbling at my clit before shoving her fingers back into my pussy. I felt myself grinding on her face and seconds later I felt myself come undone.
It took a couple of minutes before I could breath properly.
I looked to my left to see Lauren looking back at me. She smiled softly before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too. So much."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I hope you like this chapter.
If you have any suggestions aboutwhat could happen, please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night

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