The after party

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Lauren Jauregui was seen entering a hotel at early hours in the moring with the mystery girl from the other night. There has been pictures released and we can clearly see the two girls holding hands. The one picture that we love that was taken last night was *Picture attached.
In this picture we can clearly see the two holding hands. We can also see pop star Lauren Jauregui looking at their intertwined fingers and smiling.
The one question that is on everybody minds is who is this girl?
Could there been a new relationship starting?

I woke up looking at my surroundings trying to see where I was. I smiled to myself remembering everything that happened last night.

"Fuck! Lo faster!"
"Lauren fuck!"
"Shit, right there!"
"Lo, I'm going to, fuck I'm going to."

"What are you smiling about?" I heard a soft but husky voice next to me say.
I turned around to see Camila looking at me while rubbing her eyes.

"No reason." I say smiling at how adorable she looks.

"Do you know how one night stands work?" She asked.

"Of course I do." I say and she giggles hiding her face in the quilt.

"So why are you still here? I would've expected you to have left by now." I heard her mumble. I can't even lie, hearing her say that hurt.
"But I'm glad that you never." She says looking up and wrapping her arms around my naked body.
"I had fun last night." She says and my smile just widens.

"So did I. We'll have to meet up again." I say and her smile fades a little.

"We can't. I don't live in London Lauren. I live in Miami."

"I live in Miami too. And in case you've forgot I can travel, so we can meet again." I say in hope that she gives in.

"You go on tour soon though." She says. Damn she does her research.

"So you search me up?" I say with a smug look and she playfully hits me.

"No, I'm not that weird. You're one of the most famous people in this world. You're everywhere that I look and well you going on tour is apparently something that everyone wants.

"Whatever you say. I bet your a secret fan and has like a shrine and shit dedicated to me." I say laughing.

"Stop!" She says trying not to laugh.

"Ok, sorry. And I don't go on tour for another 9 months. I have free time. I was actually thinking of going to see my family soon. We could easily meet when I go back to Miami. Just can I have your number."

"Fine." She finally gives in and I try not to scream at my excitement.
"But don't think that this means that when you do come back to Miami I'm going to drop everything just for you.

"Oh but you-" I was cut of by vibrating on the floor. I looked and it was my phone.

"Fuck." I say.

"What?" She mumbles kissing my collar bones.

"It's um, it's Will my manager." I say trying to control my breathing. Her kisses are the best thing in the world.

"Answer it then." She says and I do.

"Hi." I say.

"Do not hi me. You lied to my face yesterday. You said that you wouldn't go to a party and you did exactly that. Oh and you left with another girl!" He shouts down the phone.

"Will I'll be back soon. Can we talk about it then?" I asked trying to get this conversation to end as quickly as possible. I couldn't concentrate on anything that he was saying. Camila was kissing my neck and he hands were running up and down my thighs.

"Yes we will fucking be talking about this as soon as you-" I ended the call, threw my phone on the ground and quickly attached my lips to hers.
She quickly pulled back and looked at her phone.

"We have 2 hours until I need to check out."

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I hope you like this chapter.
The reason why I'm not adding in smut just yet is because when I do I want it to be special for Camila and Lauren. I don't know if that makes sense but I know what I mean.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night❤

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