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Before I start this chapter I just want to say something that is so freakin cool!!!
Someone messaged me last night asking if they could translate my other story 'The Project' into Spanish. I was literally speechless when I woke up to the message. So, thank you for all the support. It means the absolute world to me!

Is Camren fine or is it just an act? Yesterday Lauren and Camila performed their new song 'Beautiful' together. The pair seemed very happy in stage together and even shared a 'well done kiss'.
*Picture attached
We can't help but feel as though this situation is fake and Lauren's manager forced them to do.
What do you guys think?
Is Camren actually real or is it just an act for Lauren to seel more albums.
Let us know what you think by commenting below and sharing our page.
Join us again next week for more juicy gossip on the Camren relationship.

"Seriously why can't people just fucking accept us!" I shout slamming, my hand in the table.

"Babe. Just ignore them. This is why they are doing it. They want to get a reaction out of you so they can sell more magazines and shit like that." Camila says rubbing my shoulders. She always know how to make me feel better. How did I get so lucky to be blessed with someone like her.

"I just don't get why they always feel the need to comment on our relationship. Can't they just leave us alone for a few days."

"I wish they could too, but you and I both know that it's not going to happen anytime soon." Camz says before placing a tender kiss on my shoulder.
"Now we need to leave otherwise you'll be late to the interview"

She's so good to me.
Once we're at the interview I get asked simple questions.
"How are you?"
"When is new music coming out?"
"What will be different about this tour?"
I mean that is until they asked if Camila could come out.
So here I am, sitting on a couch with Camila and during a live interview. I couldn't be more nervous.

"So I have a few quick questions for the two of you if that's ok." Dan (The interviewer) asked.

"That's fine." We both say in sync.

"Who initiated the first date?"

"It was you." I hear Camila say whilst point at me.

"Yes, it was me."

"New question." Dan says.
"Who said I love you first?"

"That was also me." I say raising my hand slightly. I hear Camila giggle beside me.

"Yes I remember that. It was so cute." She pretty much shouts whilst jumping up and down in her chair.

"Tell us about it." Dan says

"So basically, me and Lauren weren't talking. I messaged Lauren asking if we could speak because it was killing me ignoring each other. We met and we had a heart to heart. Then out of no where Lauren just blurt out 'I love you'. I was so shocked but I knew I felt the same, so I kissed her and said it back." I smiled remembering how amazing it felt to know that someone like Camila loved me back.

"Who's the better kisser."

"I'm the better kisser." I quickly say before Camila can.

"No I'm the better kisser" She says smiling at me.

"Who gets jelous easily?" He asked and I already know what the answer is.

"That could be you." Camila says and I agree with her because I know it's true.

"Yeah, I do get pretty jelous."

"Any pet peeves of each other?" He asked.

"I hate it when Camila leaves her banana skins around my apartment. It's so annoying." I say and I hear Camila laughing. I look at her and she gives me the 'I don't know what your on about' eyes.

"What's your favorite thing about each other?"

"My favorite thing about Lauren is that I can speak to her for hours and it could just seem like 5 minutes." Camila says making me blush.

"You're really making me want to kiss you right now." I admit and that causes Camila to laugh.

"Do you two think marriage will ever happen?"

"I think it will. I mean I'd like to hope so."
I look at Camila to see her smiling widely which causes me to smile.
"I'd marry Camila in a heart beat so yes I do think marriage will happen. Maybe not yet but hopefully it will soon when my schedule isn't so hectic."

The interview soon came to an end and I was thinking about what we could on my day of tomorrow.

"Babe." I say.


"What do you want to do tomorrow? We have the whole day free and I don't want to stay inside." I asked her.

"We could go to the beach? I saw some of your pictures from the last time you visited here and the beach looks beautiful."

"It is beautiful." I say.

I guess we're going to the beach.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I just want to apologise in advance for the next couple chapters.
There haven't been drama in a while and it's only right if there is some...
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night.

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