The beach

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Trouble in paradise for the two lovers, Lauren and Camila.
Lauren and Camila was at the beach in Spain yesterday. The pair seemed perfectly happy at the beginning but things soon changed. As the pair was exiting the beach Lauren was mobbed by fans. Camila and Lauren both seemed fine by it but what happened next was the last straw for Camila. Lauren was seen getting cozy with one of her one night flings. Camila was seen storming of the beach.
Maybe this is the end for Camren.
Tell us what you think.

"It's really busy here. Was it like this when you were here?" Camila says laying down beside me.

"It was busy but not this busy." I say.
"Can you put sunscreen on my back for me." Once I say that I see Camila give me a smirk. Fuck.

I roll over and feel her hover above me. She straddles my thighs and the images in my head at this point shouldn't be allowed. This really wasn't a good idea.
I was about to tell her not to worry about it, but then I felt her small hands massaging the cream into my back.

"Is this ok?" She whispers in my ear. I don't know how much longer I can control myself before I fuck her right here.

"That's erm, fine." I say trying to control my breath. I feel her hands going lower and she gives my bum cheeks a quick squeeze. Without meaning to I let out a small raspy moan. Camila stops what she's doing and gets of me. I quickly sat up and looked at her oddly.
She leans closer to me so that our lips are brushing each other.

"Why don't we go back to the hotel?"
Without giving it a second thought I jumped up and dragged her with me. We were almost out of the beach when a couple fans came up to me.

"Hi, can we have a picture please." The smallest one asked. I smiled at her.

"Of course you can." I say.

"Lauren can I have one where we're holding hands and we basically do an eskimo kiss?" She asked and I'm feeling nervous because Camila is here. I look at Camz and she's just smiling so I guess she's ok with it.

"Sure." I step forward so me and the girl are face to face. I grab her hands and hold them close to our face. I smile at her and wait until the picture is taking. I had to do another two like the first photo and the rest were just normal ones.

"Can you follow me on Twitter please Lauren?" A red haired girl asked me.

"Of course I will sweety." I say grabbing the piece of paper that she was holding out.
"We really have to girl now, but it was great meeting you girls."

"You too. We love you." They all said in sync making me laugh slightly.

"I love you too." I say before walking off. Just as we were almost completely of the beach I felt someone basically jump on me. I laugh because I think it's Camila being lazy and wanting me to give her a picky back. Once the person is of my back I look to see that it's Kendal. She pulls me into a hug before I can say anything. Over Kendal's shoulder I can see Camila clenching her jaw so I know I'm in shit.

"I've missed you Lo." Kendal says.

"Erm, I really have to get back to my hotel Kendal." I say trying to end this conversation before Camila rips my head off.

"Why, don't you miss me? I thought we had fun before."

"That was before." I hiss.
"I have to go."

"I'll come with you and remind you of just how much fun we used to have." She whispers in my ear making me shiver. I don't know why I did but me and Kendal did have a lot of fun and she always knew what I liked Maybe that's why I don't really want to go just yet. I don't mean I want to have sex with her, maybe just hang out. No screw that, I've never just been able to hang out with Kendal without fucking her.

"I have a girlfriend." I say in almost a whisper.

"And?" She says smirking. I was about to respond but an angry Camila stormed past me. Fuck! I'm in trouble.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I find it really weird because I used to have to wait about a month to get 300 reads and now I have over 300 people reading the new chapter I posted in a day! It's amazing!
If you guys want to ask me a question you can in My username is - jaureguihippy
What do you think will happen between Lauren and Camila? Will they be able to make up or is this really then end for them?
if you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night

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