You bitch!

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Camila hasn't spoken to me since the incident that happened yesterday. I don't understand why she's taking out what Kendal said on me. I didn't flirt back. I said I had a girlfriend. In my opinion I did the right thing but to Camila I will always be the one in the wrong. I can't do anything right!
After what happened on the beach, Camila came back to the hotel. I tried talking to her but she didn't even look at me. Then, Kendal had to show up at our door.


"Camz, please can you just talk to me." I beg.
"I didn't do anything. She was the one that said not me."
She just continued to ignore me. What the hell can I do?
"I didn't say anything flirty to her. I told her I had a girlfriend. You must've heard that."

Still nothing. This holiday was suppose to be amazing. It was suppose to help our relationship grow, but it's turned out shit. I heard someone knock at our hotel door and seeing as Camila isn't getting up, I answered it.
I open the door to reveal Kendal. Fucking amazing, the cause of the problem is here and will most likely cause another.

"I came to see if you were ok." She says stroking my arm. I quickly pushed her hand away.

"Get the fuck away. I don't want to ever see you ag-"

"You bitch!" I hear Camila say before pushing me out of the way.
"Do you not get what Lauren is trying to say to you?" She angry asked.

"No sweety. The only thing I get from Lauren is an orgasm." My eyes go wide and so does Camila's.
That's all it took from Kendal to start Camila off.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion from that point on.
Camila grabbed Kendal's hair and slapped her in the face.
Kendal tried pushing Camila off her but that caused them to fall further into out hotel room.

"Get off me you sycho!" Kendal screamed.
Kendal kneed Camila in the gut causing Camila to let go and wince in pain. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't do anything. I was frozen.
Kendal pounced at Camila and started hitting her in the side of the head. That's all it took for me.

I quickly ran to Camila and Kendal. I attempted to pull Camila off but it caused her accidently hit me in my face.

"Fuck." I hiss.
"Get fucking off her!" I screamed in Kendal's face. She slightly let go of Camila and I took the opportunity to grab Camila and pull her away from Kendal.

Both of the girls, including me, were breathing heavily. I took the time to examine Camila's face. She had a small cut along her jaw that will probably go in a few days. I placed my hand on top of it but she pushed me away and started making her way to Kendal again. Nope that is not happening.

I grab Camila by the waist and pull her away.

"Typical Camila, has to have her girlfriend defend her battles." Kendal says. If she doesn't fuck off soon I will not be responsible for my actions.

"I don't need her to do fucking anything for me!" She screamed at Kendal. Well that hurt.

"Kendal just fucking leave before I call the police." I say.

"Be my guest. I'll be more than happy to tell them how your girlfriend attacked me like a fucking animal!" I felt Camila trying to get out of my grip because of that comment.

"Do it then. I have a lot more money than you do. I'll get the best lawyers there are and I'll make sure they punish you and not Camila." Once I say that Camila walks out and slams the door. I let Camila go and turn to her, she's looking back at me so I think she might be fine with me now.

"Baby I-" She just walked away and went to the bathroom. Such a great holiday this has turned out to be.

End of Flashback

So here I am. Sitting in an empty hotel room by myself, scrolling through Twitter. I see a lot of Tweets saying that me and Camila has broken up. Where do they get this stuff from?

@LaurenJauregui: I hate assumptions.

Once I tweeted that one Tweet caught my attention. I clicked on it and it was a Tweet from Hailee.

@Haileesteinfeld: Good to see @camilacabello97 I hope you feel better soon. I love you.
*Picture attached

Hundreds of thoughts were rushing to my head.
What if they are together?
What if Camila ignoring me is a way of her telling me it's over?

I try calling her and it answers.

"Camila baby I'm sorry please come back I lo-" I begin to say but was interrupted by someone that wasn't Camila.

"Listen. Just stop calling her. She needs space right now and I'm sure you do too." That's all she said before hanging up.

Writer's note

Hi guys!
I saw a few comments saying that they wanted Camila and Kendal to have a fight. I also thought it was a good idea because It added to the drama.
If you have any suggestions for this story please comment below or message me.
If you have a questions to ask feel free to ask them. You also can on my username is jaureguihippy
Anyway, I hope you all have a good day/night

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