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"Scott! We're going to be late!" I called to my fiancé.

"Calm down babe, we have plenty of time." Scott kissed my check before dashing off to collect somethings. I rolled my eyes, as I fixed my hair for the 5th time this morning, Scott made me jump as he rushed back in.

"You look great, stop fussing." I knew Scott spoke the truth but I wasn't convinced. I sighed before checking my hair for the 6th time.

"But what if they don't like us." Fear over took me and I started to panic.

"Then we'll keep looking, don't worry ok?" Scott kissed me lightly before grabbing my hand leading me out the door.

"Ok ok, I'm ready." My voice was shaky but sure.

"I love you." Scott intwined our hands as he started his car and pulled into the main road.

"I love you too." I really did, more then anything.

The drive was sweet but nerve racking. Scott and I sung to all the songs we knew that came on the radio. I couldn't of been happier.

We pulled up to a small building, it was plain and the little amount of paint was pealing off. Scott and I looked at eachother wary but continued to the front door.

I stood behind Scott a little out of shyness but I still held tight on to Scott's hand. He knocked 3times and we stood in silence waiting for someone to come.

"Maybe we got the wrong day?" Scott suggested after we stood for 5minutes. I got my phone out and checked my calendar. 1pm 18th July 2020- Foster Home.

"No, we're ok." I showed Scott who sighed a little in relief. He knocked again this time louder. Again we got no answer, maybe they were out, so we turned to leave when we heard something.

"Asshole go get the fucking door!" The voice was male, that must be Alex the foster parent. I frowned deeply as I heard him speak that way. The door creaked opened moment's later and a little girl appeared, she hid her self but we could see her. Her eyes were blue like Scotts and hair was brown like mine. I immediately fell in love with her.

"Who is it!" The male voice came back, a little bit more aggressive then before. The child whimpered slightly at his presence.

"I don't know sir." Sir? Wow this is a tight ship. The girl ran away from the door once the man, I guessed was Alex came to us.

"Hey! You must be Scott and Mitch? I'm Alex." He seemed so nice now, he stuck his hand in ours before we could object. Fake bitch said in my head and laughted quietly, Scott did the same, we looked at eachother and grinned knowing we just thought the same thing.

"Yer, we are, nice to meet you." Scott wrapped his arm around me as we entered the building, my anxiety was through the roof and Scott could tell, I suddenly felt calm in his arms.

"We have the kid ready for you. AVRIEL!!!!!" Alex screamed out making us jump. Moments later a little boy, who had to be about 4years old came running down the broken staircase. His eyes were the most beautiful colour of green and his hair was dark blond with small curls. My heart melted at the sight, I glanced up at Scott who had the biggest grin on his face. "Is your stuff packed, these are your new parents." Alex stood with his arms crossed, Avriel nodded his head quickly before running to get his things.

"Hey retard wanna play?" I turned around to see the same little girl getting pushed down by an older girl, the little girl had tears in her eyes and a scrap on her knee.

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