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I got tagged by my queen MaviTrashHaley to answer some questions! Imma try my hardest but thanks for the tag baby.


1. Include all the rules!

2. Please answer all 13 questions and create 13 for the people you tagged.

3. You can't say "I don't do tags."

4. You can tag back!

5. You have a week to complete the tag.

6. Be Creative with the title!

[My answers]

1. Which ship within Pentatonix do you ship most?

I ship Scömìche the most.

2. What book were you reading before you did this tag?

I was reading Special by AltoPentaholic 

3. What would you name your children if you had one girl and one boy?

Esther for a girl and Alexander for a boy.

4. Who's your favourite author on Wattpad? (If you're stuck between two, name both of them."

AltoPentaholic and DeanneAdams

5. Are you going to the Pentatonix World Tour if they are/if they come to you?

HELL YESS! I'm seeing them in London on the 26th of May <3

6. Have you met Pentatonix?

No, but I really hope to one day.

7. Do you have/are you interested in getting any tattoos?

Yes, I want to get "All You Need If Faith, Trust and a little bit of Pixie Dust." on my arm. and I want the PTX piano keys on my wrist. I also want "Grandad." with "Heaven Knows There's No Such Thing As Goodbye." Underneath it on the back of my shoulder.

8. Can you walk in high heels?

Absolutely not. I'd break my neck and die for sure.

9. What's your sexuality?


10. Who was the first youtuber  you remember watching when you first found youtube?

The oldest memory I can think of is Tyler Oakley.

11. How did you find out about Pentatonix?

I was very into glee back in 2013. I loved Glee's Defying Gravity cover and I stumbled across Superfruits cover of it and PTX's Evolution of Music was a related video. I lost interest and back in august of 2015 I was looking up Omi's Cheerleader and PTX popped up and I remembered their evolution of Music video and was interested. I watched it and fell in to a deep love with Mitchell Grassi, and then Scott, and its spiralled from that moment.

12. Do you have a youtube account? If so, what is it?

I do, its Little_Vampire Unicorn I haven't uploaded yet but I'm hoping to do so in the near future.

13. Are any of your real life friends Pentaholics? If so, did you turn them or are they just one in general?

No, none of my friends are, but my 1 to 1 is now. She adores them so that was the best achievement of my life! <3


I tag







1. Kiss, Marry, snog, kill, fuck, Scott, Kirstin, Mitchell, Avriel, Kevin.

2. Who is your favourite author on wattpad?

3. If you had that chance to meet one member of PTX and be best friends with them, but you can never meet the rest of them, who could you pick and why?

4. If you had the chance to live in a fictional world what would you pick and why?

5. You had the chance to live in one season for the rest of your life what would you pick any why? BUT you have to live that holiday over everyday.

6. Overtime you spoke, you sounded like Mitchs highest high note or avi's lowest bass note. Which would you rather and why?

7. If you were only allowed to listen to one PTX song for the rest of your life, which would you pick and why?

8. What is your sexuality?

9. Puppies or kittens?

10. If you had the chance to meet only one member of PTX and you died straight after, or you meet none of them and live forever, which would you chose? 'if you picked one member of ptx, who would it be?'

11. Happiest childhood memory?

12. If you could swap your real life friends for your online friends, would you?

13. Which book would you like to see me update next? Maybe one of the older ones, maybe one of the new ones? YOU HAVE TO PICK! HAHAHA ily


Thanks for taking the time to do this if you did. Its just a bit of fun! yay! ilysm <3

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