Dear My Love.

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No hate. Little bit of Mavi. (Trigger warning. Suicide/depression/drugs/alcohol)

Dear Avi.

I'm sorry.

I love you.

Goodbye baby.


I can't take it anymore. It's been 4 years too the day I found this note from you. I miss you so much baby, why did you leave me.

I was home late from hanging out with Kevin when I found the note attached to a bunch of my favourite flowers, orange roses. I was touched by the thought but my love for those roses has been destroyed forever.

I hate myself. With every second that passes your not here I hate myself a little more.

"You ok?" I stopped answering that question, I was asked it on a daily basis. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Maybe if I took the time to ask you that one simple question when I noticed your weigh loss then maybe I could of saved you. I wish I had. I miss you so much.

After what happened Pentatonix took a break which ended in a break up. I know it's not what you would of wanted but none of us could function right after you left us. Especially Scott, he took to cutting and attempted suicide but Alex saved him. The way I should of saved you. Scott took blame for not looking out for you more but it's no one's fault but my own. I was suppose to protect you and I failed you Mitch.

I sit here with this now empty bottle of anti - depression tablets and a half empty bottle of vodka and yet the pain still remains.

I need to see you Mitchie, I need to make sure your ok now. I know you were in a lot of pain and it will calm me if I knew you were ok.

So Mitch, as my heart comes to a stop and I slowly drift to sleep remember that I love you and that I will be with you soon.

My last thoughts were of you as they have been for the past 4 years and I fell into the deepest sleep I've had since you died.

I felt nothing, which isn't surprising since I haven't felt anything but guilt for the last few years of my life. It wasn't what I expected it was calming and I suddenly felt free.

The only thing I left behind were two notes, one was for you, and the other is for who ever finds me.

I'm coming to see you Mitchie. I'm on my way home to you. I hope your waiting for me. 

Dear my love, I'm sorry. I love you. I hope your waiting for me with that smile I've missed so much. See you soon. - Avi.

Dear who this may concern. I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I can't take another day without him. It's my fault everything's fallen apart and this is my punishment and my apology. I love all of you. I'm on my way home. I'll miss you all. - Avi.

Happiness consumed me and and I knew were never going to be apart again.

Goodnight. -Avi.

Sorry. But I love this. Omg love y'all xxxx

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