Coming home.

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Something different, little bit of Scömìche and something else too ;)

"Do you know when Scott's coming home?" Kirstie asked me for the 4th time that week. Scott was in Afghanistan fighting for our country. He'd been there for almost a year now. No letters. No calls. Nothing. I miss him.

"No Kirstie, I don't." She nodded her head sadly. I felt her pain, she missed him too, we all did, but there wasn't anything we can do about it.

Since Scott left things started to fall apart, Pentatonix collapsed, it wasn't the same without our leading man. Kirstie and I moved in together because I couldn't take all the empty space in Scott and I's apartment. Kevin and Avi's friendship fell apart when Kevin moved out to live with Alyssa. Jeremy and Kirstie broken up due to the depression Kirstie fell in after Scott left. Jeremy got Olaf and everyday it destroys her.

"Hey!" Kevin came bouncing in the door grinning, I loved Kevin, his happiness always brightens the room.

"Hey Meat..." Kirstie smiled at him before turning to stare at the wall again.

"Is she ok?"

"Its just one of those days," Kevin nodded understanding Kirstie's mood swings.

"Have you um... heard from Avi?" I was surprised, neither of them brought each other up in a conversation voluntarily.  

"No, last I heard he moved back in with his parents, that was 4months ago." Wow, time flys, didn't noticed it has been that long since I spoke or saw Avi last. Kevin looked sad but nodded anyway.

A knock on the door made us all jump a little, I quickly went to answer it.

"Mitchell Grassi?" It was a solider. He stood strong but his eyes were filled with sadness and apologies.

"Y-yes sir?" My heart was in my throat, I knew what was coming but I didn't wanna believe it.

"I'm truly sorry sir." He took his beret off and bowed to me in respect before handing me an envelope. I couldn't breath, I thanked him and closed the door.

"No...." Kirstie was already in tears which wasn't helping me at all. I was day dreaming, or real dreaming, this can't be happening.

"Mitch..." Kevin's eyes started watering, I said nothing but handed him the envelope before sitting on the couch still in shock. I couldn't read it.

"Dear Mr Grassi, we're sorry to inform you that Sergeant Scott Hoying was reported..." Kevin trailed off, his eyes light up. "MIA!" Mine and Kirstie's heads snapped up at the same time.

"What?!??!" Kirstie and I screamed at the same time.

""MIA! Scott's not dead!" Kevin jumped up with happiness.

"Hes not dead..." Kirstie smiled for the first time that week.

"He's just missing!" I finished Kirstie sentence. We group hugged when we all felt like someone was missing. Avi.

"Call him." I saw Kevin's face light up a little when I handed him my phone. He nodded before dialing Avi's number.

"Hello?" He picked up after a couple of rings.

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