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"Calm down Scott, it's going to happen to you." I rolled my eyes at him sarcastically. As we kept walking around town to kill time.

"Shut up Mitchie, just because you've met your soulmate, my clock hasn't moved in weeks." I looked down sadly at the clock on my wrist, it counts down the time until you meet your soulmate, but mine froze a couple weeks ago. I am going to be alone forever.

Mitch shoved me playfully as he walked into a store with no intention of buying anything and I slowly followed behind him, checking my clock every few minutes. 3 days, 21 hours, 35 mins, 15 seconds, it still hasn't changed.

"Will you stop? It's not going to change if you stare at it." I chuckled lightly as I stared at it for a couple seconds to amuse him. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the shoe section.

"Why are we even in here? You have a million pairs of shoes, literally." I muttered and sat down on the stall, watching him intently. I always thought that Mitch could be my soul mate, I mean, I love him but I'm just not in love with him ya know?

Mitch chuckled as he picked out a pair of black sneakers with white laces, it wasn't very him but he was the one buying them. I look down at the clock, I sighed sadly as I touched it.

3 days, 21 hours, 35 minutes, 14 seconds. 

I gasped loudly, scaring Mitch.

"Mitch it changed! It changed!" I stood up and ran over to him to show him. He looked at it and he raised an eyebrow.

"Has it?"

"Yeah! It was 15 seconds, not its 14!" I was way to excited about this, Mitch chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Thats great Scott." He went back to looking at shoes. I couldn't help but frown at him.

"This is a big deal Mitch." I crossed my arms.

"Sure it is." He didn't look at me once and continued to brows. I sighed and walked away.

"I'm going for a walk. I'll meet you back at home." I looked back at him and all he did was nod. I teared up as I left the store, I can see why he wasn't my soulmate now.

I shoved my hands deep in my pockets as it started to rain, the cold winds burnt my face so I kept my head down. 

My phone buzzed a couple moments later, I took it out of my pocket and saw it was a messaged from Mitch asking where I went. I sighed and texted back I was holding home. I just wanted to be alone for a while.

As I was putting my phone back in my pocket I noticed something on my wrist. I looked at it and gasped.

00 days, 00 hours, 5 minutes, 19 seconds.

I touched it a few times to make sure, and I squealed when it continued to countdown.

"Oh my god!" I yelled loudly to myself causing people to stare, making me to blushed deeply. "Sorry." I muttered as I ran off. The faster I ran, the quicker the timer went down. Oh my god was this really happening?

As I ran I looked down at my clock. 00 days, 00hours, 00 minutes, 45 seconds.

My heart raced as I ran faster and faster. I hoped this wasn't a dream.

As I rounded a counter I slipped on some ice and hit the ground hard. I groaned as I looked at my clock, 10 seconds left. I looked around and saw no one was there. I started to panic when my clock finally hit zero and no one was here.

I laid down defeated. I was going to be alone forever.

"Excuse me sir?" A voice came from above me. I gasped in surprise and sat up. 

"Yes?" I couldn't see him as the sun had decided to make an appearance and blocked my view. He held out a hand.

"Are you alright? I saw you fall as I was coming up the street." His voice was soft, like my ears had been craving it for the whole of my life. I took his hand, it felt like electricity running through my veins, and I stood up.

"I'm okay, thank you. I have no coordination." I blushed deeply as he giggled.

He moved to the side slightly making his features visible to me and I couldn't help but stare. He was so beautiful. 

I became flustered as I tried to find something to say to him. I shakily held out a hand and smiled at him stupidly.

"I'm Scott Hoying by the way." My heart skipped a beat as he smiled and shook my hand soft.

"I'm Alex, Alex Kirk. It's nice to meet you Scott."


This was amazing to write tbh. I have an idea for a part two? Do you guys want a part two? Let me know! ilysm <3

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