Catch me if you can.

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I've been on the run for the last two years. I never stay in a place longer then two days in fear my past will catch up with me.

Why am I on the run? It's complicated.

Two years back I had everything, I had friends, I had a career that was pushing us up in to the music business but I threw it all away because of one mistake.

What was the mistake? Falling in love with my best friend.

I use to be in this band called Pentatonix. Doubt you remember them after I left I read that they broke up. What a shame. I heard that Kirstie's married and Avi came out as gay. Not surprised. Kevin started over and Scott... well Scott fell of the face of the earth. Just like I did.

Three months ago I went back to LA. I passed threw on my way to New York. Something pushed to stay so I did. It was the longest I'd stayed in one place in over a year.

Why did I stay? For him.

It was difficult to look for something without being seen but I did it. I sat outside my old apartment for two days waiting to see if he'd come out but he never did. So I decided I didn't want to hide from him anymore and I went to knock on the his front door.

After a couple of moments an older lady and her husband answered. I glanced inside and saw everything had changed. Scott didn't live there anymore. Without saying a word I ran. I ran to London. I stayed there for a night before leaving for Scotland and it's just a continuous game of hide and seek. But im the only one that's playing.

Where am I now? France. It's always been my favourite place. It's so beautiful and peaceful.

I walked around France without a care in the world. It's the only place where I don't worry about running.

I sat in a cute little cafe and sipped the coffee I ordered. It wasn't as good as LA coffee but it had to do.

My head snapped up when I heard a familiar voice nearby.

"I'll just have a black coffee please." The voice sounded exhausted but needy.

I peered over my sunglasses and saw him. A tall blonde guy with a Joyrich shirt and snapback. Scott.

I ran.

I grabbed my bag and left the money on the table. I ran towards the door when I smashed into someone. Scott. Of course.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" He apologised while helping me up off the ground. My heart hurt when he touched me. All the emotions I've been pushing back for two years all came flooding back in a single moment.

"Don't worry about it." I can't do this.  Not now. Not after all this time.

"Wait. Do I know you? You seem so familiar." I turned and ran for the door before he could figure it out. I can't go back to my old life.

"Mitch?" I heard him mumble as reality hit him.

"Mitch!" He called to me but I ran. I rounded a corner and stopped to catch my breath.

"Mitch wait!" I heard his voice get closer and closer. Why was he doing this.

I tried to run but tripped. I waited for the pain when I hit the ground but it never came. I looked around to find someone holding my arm. Scott. He caught me.

"Mitch...." I watched his face mold from relief to confusion to anger to sadness. What's happened since I left?

Scott's POV

I walked into this cute cafe on a high street in France.

Why was I in France? Looking for him.

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