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Kevin's POV

We were all sitting in a circle waiting for the meeting to start, Kirstie was on her phone, Mitch was talking to Scott as he was perched on his lap, and Avi was talking to Ester about the afternoon lunch plans. And me? I was secretly staring at Ester. I mean, shes gorgeous but shes my best friends sister... I quickly snapped my eyes away and got up to get coffee.

"Oh my god, Mario was talking to me about this thing he saw in the news yesterday, I can't remember the name, um, Paraphilo- no, paraphola?" Ester struggled as I almost dropped my coffee.

"Paraphilia." I spoke up, regretting it. The room went silent, apart from the tapping of the spoon on the side of my mug. I turned to face the group as I sipped my drink carefully.

"Paraphila? Whats that." I chuckled as Scott's face crumpled up puzzled.

"Paraphilia," I corrected, Mitch snuggled back into Scott's chest and Kirstie put her phone down. My eyes followed Ester as she led Avi to the couch, gesturing me too explain. I cleared my throat as I took the last space of the couch were everyone could see me.

"Paraphilias are abnormal sexual behaviours or impulses characterized by intense sexual fantasies and urges that keep coming back. The urges and behaviours may involve unusual objects, activities, or situations that are not usually considered sexually arousing to others. It's considered kinky or pervert to people who dont understand it." I didn't look up from my coffee as I could feel all their mouths where open but Scotts.

"What?" Scott wasn't getting it, I sighed before starting over again.

"A paraphilia is a person who has a sexual impulse of characteristic features or unusual activities, like someones hair colour, or eye color." I tried to describe it in the simplest way.

"Oh." I could see Scott still wasn't getting it completely but I couldn't think of another way to describe it.

"How did you remember all that?" Ester piped up.

"I read about it a couple months ago and I found it interesting so I did some research on it." I blushed as I sunk into my chair, wanting the conversation to be turned away from this topic.

"So we basically all have this?" Mitch wondered as laced his fingers with Scotts. I nodded as he smiled.

"I like people who cook me barbecue..." Avi mentioned as we chuckled.

"I like tall people." She laughed. Kirstie was 5ft and her boyfriend Jeremy was almost 6ft 5inchs.

"I like blondes." Mitch blushed as he pecked Scotts lips.

"And I like brown eyes and tenors." Scott chuckled as he pecked Mitch's nose. I looked around at my friends who's eyes were all on me.

"I have a thing for smart guys." Ester's face turned bright red as she pushed her glasses back up her nose.

"What about you bro?" Avi leaned back and tidied his hair in a loose bun.

"Um, it doesn't matter." I quickly got up and poured my cold coffee into the sink before tossing the cup away.

"Come on Kev! We told you ours." Mitch hopped down from Scotts lap and went to grab himself some water.

"Ok... I like... Um," I cleared my throat and looked away from my friends. "Brunettes with glasses." I whispered under my breath so they couldnt hear.

"What?" Avi lent forward to listen better. I looked at the ground as I took in a deep breath.

"Brunettes with glasses." I announced a little louder, but this time, everyone heard.

"You do?" Mitch skipped over and kissed my cheek before going back to his boyfriend. I chuckled as I nodded, my eyes not looking at the one person I wanted to look at the most. Avi held his hands up in surrender.

"I'm very happy I don't wear glasses." He chuckled in a half jokey way.

I finally glanced over at Ester who had a shocked look on her face. My heart hurt as she looked away from me.

"I'm going for a walk." I rushed over and grabbed my coat when someone stopped me.

"I like smart guys, who speak Japanese, and who invented this silly little music style called celloboxing." Ester dropped my hand and turned to walk away when this time, I stopped her.

"I like brunettes who wear glasses that constantly falls from her button nose, and who happens to be my best friends older sister. And who also happens to be the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on." I smiled as she blushed when I tucked a piece of loose hair behind her cute ears.

"Your such a dork." She playfully hit my chest.

"I'll be your dork, if you'll let me." I looked into a gorgeous eyes for a moment because thats all it took to get lost in them. It didn't take me longer then a moment to grab her face and press my lips to hers. The kiss was short but sweet. We pulled apart to the sound of everyone cheering, including Avi.

"About time bro!" Avi came over and hugged me before hugging his sister.

"KESTER FOR LIFEEEE!" Scott and Mitch sung in sync, then they laughed as it was completely unintentional.

I looped my arm around Ester and pulled her close. I kissed her cheek before whispering in her ear.

"Your my paraphilia."

"And your my paraphilia." She stretched on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to mine once more. I guess having a paraphilia wasn't so bad after all, especially since mine is as beautiful and perfect as Ester Kaplan.

This was suggested by a friend of mine, im sorry its so late! And i hope its what you wanted. #Kesterforlife. Ilysm 😊

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