Thank you for saving me.

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Warning self harm. Depression







These words circled in around my brain on a daily basis. Even if you told the opposite I wouldn't believe you.

I looked at myself in the mirror and what I saw made my stomach churn. I had dark bags under my eyes and my hair was a mess. I looked as exhausted as I felt.

My eyes traveled down my shirtless body and all I saw was stretch marks. I'm so ugly... I thought to myself. I held the razer against my skin before thoughts of Kevin came into my head.

Kevin, my roommate, thought he threw away all my razers but I hid one. I needed them to feel happy even if it was for a moment.

"I'm sorry Kevin." I whimpered as I pressed the razer to my wrist. I hissed in pain as the blood ran down my hand and dripped in the sink. I smiled at the pain. It made me feel human again.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door. Shit. I rush to clean up. Kevin must be home early.

"One second Kevin!" I shouted at him. My voice broke when I said his name. Damn it.

"It's not Kevin. I'm a friend of his. Take your time. sorry!" The voice was male and I was instantly addicted.

"It's o-ok" I cried as I pressed a bandage to my new cut.

"Are you ok?" I was surprised. No ones asked me that in a long time. My emotions took over and tears ran down my face.

"Ye-yer. One second." I turned to face myself in the mirror and was ashamed at my sudden outburst of emotion.

"Mitch?" My heart jumped when he said my name. "I'm coming in." And before I could react the door was pushed open.

"No! Wait plea-" My eyes were met by a man that made all the pain and harmful words go away.

"Mitch. What are you doing?" He grabbed the razer and threw it away. I couldn't help but stare. He was so beautiful I didn't want to look away in case I never saw him again.

"I- I don't know. I needed it." I looked down at the blood soaked razer in the bin. Normally I would long for it but this time I didn't.

"You don't need it." His eyes were tender and I got lost in them in seconds.

"But I'm fat and ugly and-" I broke down and my knee's gave way. I fell to the ground but the stranger caught me.

"Your really not. Your the most gorgeous person I've ever seen." He held me while I cried for a moment.

I looked up at him and that's the moment it happened. That's the moment I fell in love with a stranger. The longer I looked the more I felt fixed again. This stranger, my roommates friend, with the beautiful eyes and addictive voice was the guy I fell for. I loved the feeling more then the deepest cut. I never wanted to be away from him again and I didn't even know his name.

It's been 5 years since that moment. I now stood in front of my husband hugging him tightly as we watched our 2 year old daughter ran around us. It's been 5 years since I last cut. It's been 5 years since I felt fat and ugly. Love is a strange feeling I will never grow tired of.

"I love you Mitch." He kissed me lightly. I couldn't help but smile at how happy he makes my life.

"I love you too." I stared into his beautiful eyes, something else I will never grow tired of.


"Yer beautiful?" He called me this on a daily basis to remind me that I am beautiful and for the first time in my life, I believe it.

"Thank you for saving me Scott." He saved me from myself and I couldn't be more thankful for that moment when I fell in love with my roommates best friend.

I love this. It's kinda based on a true story of my life. But I'm not with the person who saved me anymore. I have someone else who makes me feel whole. Remember. You are all incredibly beautiful and I and lots of others love you so much

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