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Mitch's POV

"I'll be back in 20minutes, I love you!" I called to my boyfriend as I grabbed my coat. He came running down the stairs and planted a sweet kiss on my lips with a smile.

"I love you more." He hugged me tight before playfully shoving me out the door. 

I walked to my car with a smile plastered on my face. I don't know how I got so lucky to have a guy like Scott. I climbed in my car and jumped when the radio blasted out, I must of forgotten to turn it down last night. I chuckled to myself as I pulled out of the drive way and towards the coffee place that was 10minutes away. I didn't want to walk as I was tired from all the dancing we did last night. I wish I hadn't driven.

I turned the music up as loud as it could go when our song Can't Sleep Love played. Scott had written it for me. I wish I hadn't turned the radio up.

As I pulled up to a stop sign, I checked my hair in the mirror, I wish I hadn't fixed my hair.

I don't remember much apart from fear and the pain. It was the 14th of February 2015 when I left the house to get my boyfriend his coffee but I never made it home.

I wish I didn't fix my hair because I would of been pay attention to my surrounding. I wish I hadn't turned the music up as I would of heard it coming. I wish I hadn't driven as I wouldn't of been in danger when the lorry over turned. I remember hearing the crunching of the metal, and I remember seeing the blood pouring from my head, and I rememeber blacking out.

"WHERE IS HE?" A voice woke me up, Scott.

"Sir, please calm down." It was a female voice this time, must of been a doctor.

"Please tell me its not true, please tell me my baby is ok." Scott's voice was shattered. 

"I'm so sorry sir." My head was spinning as I sat up and hopped down on the ground. I remember hearing his sobs, I didn't understand why he was crying. I came out of the hospital room I was in and saw my baby broken on the floor with Kirstie, Avi and Kevin also sobbing uncontrollably. 

"Baby!" I called out but he didn't hear me. I tilted my head confused, I walked forward a little.

"Scott." I called out again but he didn't respond, but Kirstie did. Her head snapped up and looked directly at me, she gasped before running out. I chased after her, still confused to why Scott hasn't seen me.

"Kirstie?!" I shouted after her, causing her to stop in her tracks.

"This can't be happening." She turned and faced me. Her eyes were red from crying.

"Kirstin, whats happening. why isn't Scott looking at me." I pointed to him as tears filled my eyes.

"Mitchie, Scott can't see you." My heart stopped. I watched as she broke down on the ground.

"He can't see me... but you can... did he forget his contacts?" I wondered as I crouched down next to her. My heart started beating again when she chuckled, but it went as quickly as it came.

"No Mitchie." She wiped her eyes before clearing her throat.

"What's happening." I could only focus on the sounds of my friends crying. 

"Do you remember anything from earlier today?" Her voice cracked. I sat down next to her as I thought hard, only remembering that I left this morning and that I was now in hospital.

"Why am I in hospital?" The question hadn't occurred to me until now. I looked at her while I waited for an answer, she hesitated before biting her lip.

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