Beauty Is Blind.

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Narrators POV

Many many years ago there were two boys who lived in difference sides of the same kingdom. One lived in the castle his name was Scott. Scott was a rude, naive boy who only thought of himself, not caring who he was mean too or hurt in the process of getting what he's always wanted. Power. 

Meanwhile, on the otherside of kingdom lived a stable boy, his name was Mitch. Mitch was a kind hearted, loving soul who did everything for the good of others. 

It was a shame that one day both boy made a great mistake that changed their lives forever.

One dark evening a elderly women came knocking at the castle for shelter, Scott was on his way to bed when he answered the door.

"Excuse me young man, it's bitterly cold and I'm soaked to my bones. Would you be so kind to giving me shelter in return for this red rose?"  The lady pulled out a beautiful rose, she held it up to Scott, praying for it to be enough. 

"Are you joking? Get out, your making the palace look untidy." Scott scoffed before slamming the door, but the door was caught by the foot of the peasant women.

"Since you are incapable of helping others, until you learn how to treat people the right way, you will be cursed until your 25th year, until the last petal falls, someone must fall in love with you with a hideous face, that matches that hideous personality." And with a wave of her hand, the lady was suddenly young and beautiful, and the rose she once held became encaged in an glass lid. Scott immediately dropped to his knee's, praying for her forgiveness but it was too late.

"Please ma'am, I meant no harm!" Scott clenched his hands together hoping to change her mind but nothing could be done now.

"It is done. You have 15 years to make a stranger see through your ugly appearance, and to love you for whats inside. Once the last petal falls, that will means your time is up. You only have this mirror too see what you desire most, use it well. Good Luck, Scott Hoying." A bright light caused Scott to cover his eyes but it was no use, the light was glowing off of him. He looked down at his hands to see fur had grown and his teeth were long and sharp. Scott picked the mirror up from the ground and gasped at what he saw.

"I'm a monster... I'm a-a Beast!" 

14 years later.

Scott's POV

It's been 14 years since the curse was put upon me.  I've grown well with everyday, and I was now the king. It was a title I always thought I deserved but giving the curtain circumstances, king wasn't something others called me.

I've been in hiding for many years, since the curse was stowed upon the castle. I've never seen the light of day and I'm determined to keep it that way. My only family is my staff that changed into house hold appliances, which made the need to break the curse more impeccable.

"Master?" Kevin was one of my closest friends and also the most strict personnel I've ever hired. I nodded gently towards him.

"Do you think the spell will ever be broken?" He wondered, causing me to freeze up a bit.

"I use to be so certain, but now, I'm not so sure." I paced around my chamber like I did most nights, hoping for a miracle but I guess someone like me, didn't deserve miracles.

"We're all starting to give up hoping Sir." Kevin bowed his head sadly before leaving me alone. I wondered over to the small balcony, it was as far as I let myself go outside. I sighed deeply as I rested my head against my paw, I watched as my servants salted the pathway below, ready for the snowfall which was coming tonight. I glanced ahead to see a village that was lighten by oil lamps. I often dreamt of escaping this place and going to find him, but I would terrify everyone I would meet on my journey, even him so I stayed put, praying he would find me.

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