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Mitch's POV

"But mother, I don't want to move out of the nursery." I beg my parents. I was turning 15 which meant I was being moved out of the room I shared with my siblings to a room on my own.

"Mitch, I'm sorry but it's time you grew up!" My mother was packing my clothes in a bag to be moved down the hall. Every item she packed, I unpacked.

"But what if Mack and Joey need me. What if they have nightmares!" I tried to reason with her but she was stubborn.

"Then they can come see you, in your bedroom, just down the hall."

I jumped on my now bare bed as it had already been stripped. I looked around at how empty the room looked without all my stuff in it.

"Please mother. Please let me stay, just one more night!" I ran to her, hugging her lightly. She sighed.

"Mitch...." She started before I interrupted her.

"What if Peter Pan comes?" I blurted.

"Who??" My mom raised an eye brow.

"Peter Pan! The boy who never grows up." I turned around to see my 4 year old sister Mackenzie in her onesie waving a wooden sword around.

"He fought captain hook! And saved the lost boys from harm!" My 5 year old brother appeared, also holding a wooden sword.

I laughed and held my arms open. They both ran to me before turning to eachother and sword fighting.

"Who ever Peter Pan is, he won't be coming tonight. Mack,  Joey its time for bed." My mother clapped her hands twice before taking the swords away. That earned a couple Aws before the kids ran into their beds.

"Goodnight babies." My mom kissed their heads before taking my hand, dragging me out.

"Please mother. Please. One more night!" I pulled back, I looked her dead in the eyes pleading.

"OK! fine. One more night-" I squealed and hugged her tightly. "But you must share with one of your siblings as your bed is bare. Tomorrow you move out. No questions asked!"

"Yes! Thank you mother." I hugged her again, she smiled as she kissed my head.

"Goodnight Mitchell." She nodded before heading out. I turned to my siblings who were giggling under their covers.

"Who wants to share with me!" I placed my hands on my hips and tapped my foot.

"Not me!!!" They both screamed out before giggling more.

"No!" My jaw dropped and I pretend to walk away offended.

"Mitchie!" The kids shouted out in unison.

"I'll just got sleep on my empty bed, alone!" I pretended to wipe a tear away before I felt tiny hands grab mine. I looked down to see Joey and Mack pulling me towards their beds.

"I wanna share with Mitchie!" Joey shouted pulling on my right hand.

"No. I wanna share with Mitchie!" Mack pulled on my left.

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