Please Don't Go.

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As I laid in bed, in our bed, I inhaled your scent which was disappearing quickly.

It had been so long since we've shared the warmth of each other.

I miss it so much.

Every second that passed a memory should flow through my brain I ached for you all over again.

Somedays are easier then others.

Somedays I can wake up and be a normal human being.

Other days, I can't breath, I can't move, I can't function right.

Those days are around more often now, and I think I know why.

This time last year we were ok.

We were happy.

We were in love.

Everyday I use to wake up and smile because you were there by my side.

But then you got sick.

We thought it was just a stomach bug.

You told me you were ok.

You lied.

It took my weeks to convince you to go to the hospital.

You kept putting it off.

You kept telling me it will pass.

It didn't.

You got worse and worse until you couldn't talk you were in so much pain.

I called Avi and Kevin.

They helped me carry you to the car.

I called ahead to the hospital, I told them it was an emergency and they told me to stay calm.

I tried.

I brushed your hair from your gorgeous eyes.

I hummed sweetly, while I rubbed your cheek gently.

We arrived quickly and in a blink you were taken from me.

I watched as you were wheeled off behind some doors.

They told me to wait here.

I tried to argue put Avi stopped me.

I broke down as I heard you screaming for me, I could hear the fear and tears pouring out of you.

You needed me.

But today, I need you.

I tapped my foot impatiently while we waited for the results.

I glanced up at the clock and saw you had been in there for 3hours.

Anticipation grew with every minute that went passed.

My head snapped up when my name was called.

It took me a second to stand up.

Everything was rushing through my head.

I chucked in a deep breath as I followed the doctor to you.

When I rounded the corner, I saw you.

You held your arms open for me.

I chocked on a sobs as I ran into them.

God, how I miss your hugs.

I pulled away reluctantly to look into your blue eyes.

They use to hold so much joy and happiness.

But they were deep and empty.

I tried to ask you what was wrong but I knew the answer would kill me.

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