....And She Said YES! (part 2)

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Scott's POV

"This is a joke right?? Just take the ring off Kirstie." I begged, my heart fell when she hesitated.

"I can't." She whispered. Both Mitch and I flew to her side.

"Why not?" I screamed, she flinched at my tone, I took in a deep breath.

"Because, in my culture, an engagement is a binding contract. We have to go to a special judge to get us unengaged." She covered her face, scared.

"DAMN IT!" I picked up the TV remote and tossed it across the room, we all jumped when he smashed against the wall.

"STOP!" Mitch ran over and grabbed my attention instantly. I looked him deep in his beautiful brown eyes.

"Yes?" I asked calmly but Mitch just kept his eyes locked on mine.

"Mitch." Kirstie shoved him gently, he immedietly snapped out of his trace.

"Um. We can get this sorted..." He blushed as he cleared his throat. "Lets go get some breakfast and maybe some shots of tequila cause mommy needs to clear her head." Mitch pinched the bridge of his nose as he collected his keys and opened the door, gesturing for us to follow.

Once at breakfast I was calmer, Mitch sat next to me, and Kirstie was sat with Avi, her boyfriend. Despite the conversation, I couldn't get my eyes of that silver ring on her finger. I couldn't help but notice it was 2 sizes to big for her. I must of been very drunk.

"Scottie?" My attention was brought up by my group of friends, whom I haven't seen in months, walking towards me.

"Oh my god!" I jumped up and hugged them each tightly. "What are you guys doing here?" I chuckled as I sat down next to Mitch.

"We heard about the engagement! Congrats bro!" I blushed, embarrassed wasn't the right word here. 

"I can explain-"

"Scott baby!" I groaned loudly when I recognised my mothers voice.

"Mom, Dad?" I automatically got up and hugged them, its been months since I've seen them.

"We've missed you. We heard about the engagement! I'm so proud of you!" My mother teared up slightly. I just smiled through the pain.

"Mitchie!" Connie squealed happily, before hugging him tightly. 

I was so fed up of everything, I grabbed my phone and ran out of the cafè with Mitch on my heels.

"Scott stop!" He called, I tried to block it out but I couldn't. I could never block out the guy I loved.

"Why? I got drunk, got engaged to Kirstie, now all my friends and family are here congratulated me for something I don't want to be congratulated for! I can't cope!" I screamed out, everyone who had come to see me had evacuated the tiny cafè to see my break down.

"Come here baby." Mitch slowly walked to me and pulled me into a gentle hug, calming me down, blocking my view from everyone but him.

"Mitch?" I pulled back to look into his gorgeous brown eyes, causing me to get lost in the moment. I softly grabbed his face, taking a second to appreciate every inch of him, before I pressed my lips to his, not caring if he liked me back, not caring if my fiancé was watching, not caring that I had an audience looking down on us, all I cared about is my best friend in front of me, and I that I love him more then anything in the whole world.

"Scott, I have a confession." Mitch stepped back, and held out a hand towards Kirstie who grinned and ran to grab it.

"Whats going on?" I stared at them confused, Mitch giggled a little when he slipped the silver ring off of Kirstin's finger.

"You didn't get engaged to Kirstie." Mitch mumbled with a smile as he stepped forward.

"But the video?" I cocked my head to the side slightly.

"Faked." Kirstie jumped up excitedly as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Scott?" I looked towards Mitch who grasped my hand.

"Yeh?" I was hesitant to what was going to happen next.

"I've had something to say to you since we met 15 years ago. Everytime I look at you, everytime I'm with you, I'm home. Your personality, your smile, your eyes, your laugh, just your everything makes me feel so happy. This ring isn't from you to Kirstie." I gasped as Mitch got down on one knee, tears in our eyes. "Its from me to you, because, I love you, I always have since I met you when you played Charlie and I was Mike TV. God knows if you love me enough to say yes but I can't live without you. So Scottie, please say you'll be mine, as my best friend, as my Fiancé and as my husband?" Everything around me went silent as they waited for my response.

"As I look at you, just sat there, breathing, smiling, crying, it makes me love you a little bit more everytime you do it. I've loved you since I watched you give a line passionately to- um- too, um, damn it." I face palmed as Mitch chuckled.

"Willie Wonka? Like the most famous book character ever?" He joked, causing me to fall deeper in love with him.

"Damn I love you." I pulled him in for a gentle kiss when Mitch jumped into my arms. I picked him up off his feet and spun him around like you see in romantic movies, but to be honest, this was movie gold.

"You are perfect." He mumbled.

It took a few seconds for me to come back into the reality where everyone was cheering and rushing over, we were quickly consumed in hugs and kisses from our friends and family.

"Well! Grandpa, what happened next!!!" My grandaughter Lexie screamed out.

I held out my hand to show her the ring, which it had the words "Forever Charlie <3" engraved on it. I looked over at Mitch who still wore the same beautiful smile, he was the same beautiful Mitch, even 70 years later. Our eyes locked like they always did, no matter where I was, no matter what was going on, we never stopped getting lost in each others eyes. Mitch grinned happily before he grabbed my hand, ready to finish the story we've been dying to tell our grandchildren since the day we met.

"...and he said yes."


YAY! Finally published part two to this one shot! yay! I'm so happy at how it turned out!!! yay!!! if anyone has any ideas for my next one shot please leave them in the comments! ilysm <3

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