Little Do You Know.

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The talent show was tonight. Scott and I have been practicing for months to get it as perfect as possible. Each note came to life, each word brought a smile to my face. Scott had a way of doing that when he sang.

The song we choice was Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra, the song is very beautiful but to me, it had more meaning then I let on when I brought it to the table.

I watched Scott warm up and my heart grew, he was so cute. 

Ok, I may of had a crush on him since I was 10, big deal. It's not like anything is ever going to happen between us. He had a boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now, who he was still hung up on. Alex was gorgeous and everything Scott looked for in a man, me on the other hand am ugly and needy, everything Scott doesn't despised.

I've been waiting for the right moment to tell him but nothing's come up yet. Deep down in my heart I am terrifying he's going to walk away from me forever, I could learn to deal without his love but I'd die without him at all.

1 hour until we were going on stage, and Scott was still warming up his vocal cords, he always did that when he was nervous. I chuckled as I wondered over to him.

"You ok Scottie?" I opened my arms to hug him and he grinned as he walked into them.

"I'm ok, just a little worried, but I'm going through it. Are you ok?" He muttered in my ear, still in my arms.

"I'm great, why are you worried?" I chuckled again at the thought of Scott Hoying being scared of performing. He pulled away to my dismay but I couldn't stop him if I wanted too. He wasn't mine.

"It's just been a while since I've sung in front of people." He rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed.

"You're 18 baby, you'll be amazing." The puzzled look on Scott face caused me to raise an eyebrow. "What?" I asked interested by his sudden movements. Scott suddenly yanked his hands away from me and took a step back.

"Why did you just call me baby?" My heart stopped. Scott looked frustrated when words failed me.

"I didn't." I quickly turned and walked back to my bag, to text Kirstie.

"Yes you did! What are you doing!?" His voice raised dramatically which caused some people to stare.

"I didn't say anything, just calm down please!" My worst nightmare was coming true, Scott was starting to pull away from me.

"Not until you tell them truth! WHY DID YOU CALL ME BABY!?" My blood was boiling as he continued to shout at me, I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm to keep me still.

"Let go." I whimpered as I pull against him but he refused to give in.

"NOT UNTIL YOU ANSWER ME! Why won't you tell me!? Are you in love with me or something?" His sadistic tone pained me deep down in my chest, I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"YES! YES SCOTT I LOVE YOU! IVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH YOU SINCE WE WERE 10! IS THAT THE ANSWER YOU WANTED TO HEAR?!" I cried at the top of my lungs, no longer caring about the stares we received. 

Silence filled back stage as Scott and I glared at each other, shocked by what just happened.

"Scott, I-" Scott's hand was raised to silence me and I did so, he looked like he had something to say but the words were stuck. 

"I- I can't do this." Scott muttered, and my heart shattered as I watched him turn and run out of the room. I desperately wanted to follow him but my legs wouldn't move.

"SCOTT!!!" I called but he didn't even flinch.

"Please don't leave me." I whispered as my knee's gave way and I collapsed to the ground, an endless river of tears flowed down my cheeks, soaking the t-shirt Scott lent me.

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