I need you.

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Dear Mitch,

I love you, I love you more then words could explain.

When I met you, my whole world got turned upside down. You brought happiness and light into my life, something I never thought I'd get the blessing to hold.

When we first kissed, you changed me. You made me realise how much I loved you and how much I wanted us.

When you agreed to be my boyfriend it was the best day of my life, because I could officially call you mine and I adored every moment we had together. 

And that sucks.

Because I never got too tell you.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you these simple words.

You're so beautiful Mitch. You always have been. Your so humble and talented. Your everything I aspire to be.

I have so many things planned in my life but all will be pointless without you there by my side.

I'm sorry I didn't look where I was going.

I can still here you scream my name as you push me back to the sidewalk.

I can still feel the pain when I couldn't wake you up.

I can still hear the ambulance come and take you away.

I can still see your heart monitor flatline.

I can still smell your blood that stained my clothes.

I can still feel your hand squeeze mine when the nurse told me you will never wake up.

I love you more everyday your not by my side. 

I'm sorry I got to live my life, and your stuck here.

I love you Mitchie, I can't wait to tell you in person everything I should of when I had the chance.

Please wake up.


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