Loveless Cupid.

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@YannDerful gave me story line. I literally loved writing this. So thank you for letting me write this. I was honored. I hope you like it xx

My name is Mitch Grassi, and I am 623 years old. When I was born, I was blessed with the gift of love. Which meant I was destined to make people fall in love. Yes you guessed it. I am Cupid.

Don't look so surprised, just because I don't wear a diaper and shoot arrows at people, doesn't mean I'm not the real deal. I don't wings either but I can fly.

My job is too make sure 600 couple are matched by the 24th of December. I know it's no where near valintines day but over 4thousand years ago the day for Love was Christmas, it's still celebrated that way in Japan.

Every couple decades my mother, sends me to live with a human family. She gives them fake memories of me growing up and even fake photos to prove it. For the past 23 years I've been living with the Grassi's, they're such nice people, sometimes I wish I could stay with them forever but then I remember that I'm not human.

I'm a god. No seriously. My mother is Venus the god of Love and Beauty. She's the most beautiful women I've ever met.

The job of Cupid is passed down too the boys. Cupid is passed over every 100 years but the problem is that you can't pass the job on if your the only boy to be born in 623 years.

I work at night time. My goal every night is to match two couples at least. I haven't slept in 623 years, it's not because I work, it's because God's don't sleep.

Life gets lonely sometimes, I love what I do but I hate it just as much.

I think it's time I introduce you too my friends, AKA the people that make life bearable.

The first one is Kirstin, or Kirstie as she prefers. She's gorgeous and hilarious. She's been my best friend since I started my life as Mitch Grassi and I don't know where I'd be without her. Then there's Kevin, he's the rock of the our friend group, did you know he speaks 3 different languages and plays cello? Third is Avriel or Avi, he's the smile of the group, he never fails to cheer you up or to give you hugs when you need it most. And last is Scott, my other half, my best friend, my first love.

Out of my 623 I've never met anyone like Scott. We first met when we were 10. Well, my mother made me 10 to the human eye. He was so fascinating to me, he was tall, blond, had the most gorgeous blue eyes I've ever seen, and his personality was addictive.

It was strange because I didn't know Cupid could fall in love, but I did. It just took 623 years to find the right guy, well human in this case. Every year I watched Scott grow, and I've  grown with him, but he's become more addictive to me. Every smile, every laugh, every moment we're together I fall deeper and deeper inlove with him. But Cupids can't find love, it's my job to match others, not myself and even though, one day I'll have to match Scott with someone, and it will kill me but that's what is meant to happen.

It's the year 2015, I am almost 624, and my life couldn't be better. I'm in a band! We're called Pentatonix, maybe you've heard of us. I've always loved singing, but I never considered it to be a job until Scott asked me to audition with him and Kirstie and these two other guys he meant in college. It was crazy, but we ended up winning the show?! I know right, it was pretty dope. Scott taught me that word.

It was the 23rd of December and I had paired together 590 couples. Because of Pentatonix I've fallen behind on my real job, we were in Texas for christmas. The 6 of us, Scott, Kirstie, Kevin, me, Avi and Avi's sister Ester were spending the holidays together. It was so great.

We were cuddled up by the fireplace when I looked at my phone. It was 23:58pm. It was almost christmas eve. I had to get out and finish my job because midnight on the 24th.

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