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It started when you were in middle school. Classmates would just tease you about the stupid, little things. It kind of bothered you, but you were young. You thought it would pass. They teased you about that one odd shaped birthmark on your left shoulder, or those freckles that were sprinkled all over your face. You were different from them. You knew it and so did they. They didn't like different so much.

Then, when you got to high school, it was the same people, but older, and meaner. They teased you about how the skirts you wore weren't as short as theirs. They still teased you about your adorable freckles. They teased you about how you didn't drink or have sex like they did. But the one thing they did that got to you the most was how they teased you about your body parts, especially your stomach. That really hurt you and you were very, very close off the deep end. That was, until you met Harry.

Harry was a flashlight in a dark tunnel. He helped you, he cared for you, he protected you, and that made you feel very safe and secure. However, there was still the burning and prominent part of you that felt insecure about your body.

One night, you and Harry were on the couch, having a not-so-innocent make out session. Harry gently pushed you down on the couch, careful not to put all of his weight on you and climbed on top of you, keeping both of your lips connected.

He lifted up your shirt and you immediately broke away. Before, Harry had noticed the little things that you did to hide the beautiful things about you that you thought were flaws. Maybe you put a little make up on than you should to hide your freckles. He did notice, but had no idea how to help.

Harry immediately looked at you, but his concern was written all over his face. '

"Are you okay, darling?" He sits up and in turn so do you.

"I'm okay...not really. I don't know. I'm just not comfortable with my stomach...region." Harry frowns as these words come out of your mouth.

"Baby...don't say that. Your body absolutely amazing and you may not believe me but it's true. I'm never, ever going to push you into doing something you don't want to do. I know you were teased and those people told you otherwise, but honestly, they're just jealous of you. You're absolutely perfect to me." You shrug and Harry sighs before grabbing the hem of your shirt, looking up at you.

"Y/N ,Do you trust me?" You bite you lip before nodding slightly. He lifts up your shirt before gently pushing you down on the couch. He dips down, and places his lips at the end of your breastbone. Slowly, Harry trails his lips down your stomach, ending at just below your bellybutton.

There, against your skin, he whispers, "God, you're lovely. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise."

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