(Step) Mum

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He did it again. Freddy just won't say it. Since me and Lou got married, I have been with Freddy. He never once called me mum or y/n. He just gives me this blank look.

"Say my name." I said tickling him. He laughs and then stops.

"Say my name." Lou says coming out of nowhere.

"Daddy." Freddy said smiling.

"He just don't like. I guess he just don't want me to be here." I said getting up and following Lou to the kitchen.

"Well don't go. I just married you." He said kissing me.

"I wouldn't dare."

"Where are you going in that suit?" I asked noticing it.

"A photoshoot." He said pouring his coffee in a rainbow cap. His

"So, I'll be home alone with Freddy. Great." I said hitting my head on Lou's shoulder.

"I'll talk to him." Lou said.

Lou grabbed Freddy and rushed upstairs. How in the world will Lou convinced Freddy to say my name?

Lou cane back down stairs and said that he was sleep and he had to go.

It was soon just me and and a sleeping baby.

I turned down lights and turned the TV on. Finally, I found a scary movie. Insidious 3. I sat down and watched. It was the part where she was about to get hit by the car. When she did, I heard a scream.

I turned around and saw Freddy standing and shaking from fright.
I quickly turned the lights up and waited for him to move.

"I want daddy." Freddy said running towards me.

"Daddy want be home for another hour." I said picking him up. "Let's watch Finding Nemo." I said sitting him down and turn the TV before another scary screen pop up.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked Freddy looking down.


"Why don't you like me?"

"I don't know. I like you."

"Then, why won't you call me mummy?"

"It don't feel wight."

"Okay. I'll give you time."

We watched Finding Nemo and Toy Story.

"I'm sleepy." Freddy said.

"Go to sleep. Daddy will be be home soon."

"Okay. Goodnight y/n."

"Goodnight, love you."

I don't care if he said mummy or not. All that matters is that he likes me.

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