Your Twin

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You had a twin that Harry really didn't know about so you decide to prank him. The weekend you invited your sister(twin), Asia, to visit and she was so excited. "So Harry never met you so I want to act like me and do all the things that I do." I said while Asia sat down on the couch.

''I got this. It will be easy all I do is act like you kiss Harry on the cheek and act totally in love." Asia said shushing me off out the house for a while.I hope she do this right 'cause I own Harry payback from week. He dye my hair green. 

Asia p.o.v.

I stood in the doorway and wait for this Harry guy to come home. I turned on the tv and watched Hunger Games. ''Honey,I'm home.'' Harry said coming through the door trying to kiss me. I pushed his face to the side and sat down. The prank was to make Harry mad, have a huge fight, and I bump into him at the store. ''What's wrong?'' He said putting up his jacket. ''You know, Player. Do really like our relationship is a game to you Mr.'' I said liking like y/n. 

''No! Why would you ask that? You know I would never do anything like that." Harry said walking toward me. I started to yell at him about stupid and selfish he is and all that and he backfired with hateful words."Look.before you go accusing someone of some stupid ass crime look at your flaws. Look at your broke arse. I was the one to put you in an nice home not the other way around. I was the one to be there when you needed me. I know that I can be a stupid person,but I have never in a million years met an stupid, low-life, insecure bitch like you. You know what this relationship is over. O. V.E.R. Like that if you know how to even spell.'' Harry said walking out of the door.

I called y/n and told her that Harry was coming her way.

Y/n p.o.v.

I waited on Harry to come by the store so I can bump into him. I saw him coming into the store so I got up and walked toward him. ''I am sorry sir, but I'm next.'' I said in a small voice. Since I was wayyy shorted than Harry, he looked down and said, '' did you get here so fast.'' I smiled and laughed.

''Because I was all ways here.''

''No you wasn't I just had a fight with you.''

''No you had a fight with my twin Asia.'' 

I said showing Harry a picture of me and Asia in college together. When I was about to explain, I saw Asia coming into the store with her bags and looking at Harry weird. ''What happen?'' I asked. ''Nothing, but I think that you have a jerk.'' She said looking toward me. Together we looked at Harry and said,''Explain.'' Harry began to rubbed his neck,'' So it started with me coming home...''

A/N: Heyy guys if you can do a bigg  favor for me can you tell me how I am doing so far thanks ;) :0 :0 ;)

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