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"Hey babe, I'll see you later." Liam said walking toward the door.

"Where are you going?" you ask getting up off the couch and walking over towards him.

"I'm going to they gym, want to come?" he asks smiling.

You didn't really want to work out, but you did want to spend time with him so, you smiled and nodded running to change and then meeting him in the car.

"Ready to go?" he asks. You smile and nod as he starts the car and drives to the gym.

Once inside the gym, you decide to grab a exercise ball to sit on while you watch Liam take of his shirt to get on the treadmill. God that boy got some abs on him. I am so glad I date that.

After running for 20 minutes and talking about what movies you want to see later,Liam gets of and goes to left weights. You follow him and sit on the bench as he places the perfect amount of weight on the bar. He puts his lifting gloves on and starts out by working his biceps. Your mouth drops as the bar goes up and down, showing the muscles he has been working on for a while. Sweat is dripping own his body and you can't help but stare. He looks amazing. Liam catches you staring at him and say,"Didn't no your guy was so strong."

You blush and smile at him, "I knew my guy was strong just not this strong." you tell him while returning the smirk. Liam puts the bars down and walked over to and give you a peck on the lips. "You know you didn't do any work." He says. "Well, I would have did any if you kept your shirt on!'' You lauged trying to focus on his face and not he body.

"I have to do push ups, which I hate, so I figured you could serve as some motivation." He gets in position laying over you and beings doing push ups. "1″ he says and as his body lowers he presses a quick kiss onto your lips. You smile and think, I like this kind of exercise. He continues counting, "2″ this time he lingers as he kisses you and as he pushes back up lets out a deep breath. Every time he lowers his body onto you he kisses you longer. By the time he gets to 20, you are kissing for almost a minute. Liam stops all of a suddenly and he falls on your body.

"Li" You laughed between kisses."Get your sweaty body off of me. Liam started planting small kisses all over you face

He stands up and pulls you with him, "Did you have fun today babe?" he asks grinning at you.

You bite your lip, smile, and nod. "I really loved the push ups." you tell him. He puts his shirt back on and walks over to you.

"I really love you." he says against your lips.

"I love you too Li!" You said running out of the building and to the car with Liam.

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