Smoke Prank

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Age: 16

I waited for Lou to get here with the green tea. We are playing a prank on Harry. It was make him freak out to see me smoking 'weed'.

I sat the camera in place on the dresser and sat on the couch with my phone.

Me: Where are u

Sassy L: turning into the driveway

Lou walked through the door with the ingredients. Smoking paper, green tea, and a extra camera.

"I told him to go the the store and meet me here, so he thinks everything is OK." Lou said putting the other camera in a secret spot.

"And I texted him saying tell me when you'll be here over and over again."

We rolled the green tea into paper and burned the tips to make it look like we were smoking them.

"I see his car." I said. Lou hurried to turn on the camera and ran back down. "Guys, I have food." Harry did walking in and realized what we was during.

  "What is that?" He said pointing to the joint. "Nothing. Its no biggie." Lou said.

"Yes it is a 'biggie'. You're doing this with my sister. Y/n, you are 16 and you know what mum will do when she founds out. She will make me send you back to London."

I smiled. "Cmon. Mum don't have to know." I said putting the joint in my mouth.

"Lou, this is illegal." He said. His expression wish priceless.

"What is?" Lou said.

"It's illegal to smoke with a minor and to be smoking weed." Harry said walking into the kitchen.

"You two are fucking idiots. I can't even believe you would put yourself in the situation, y/n."

"You know. Go pack your bags. Lou get this junk. I don't don't care if you putt up your arse, but you have to get it out of my house." Harry said coming back in.

Me and Lou looked at each other and laughed. I took my camera from my dresser and laughed.

"My dear brother Harry. You have been pranked by Sassy Lou and Invincible y/n. How do you feel?" I said putting the camera up his face. He put his hand in front of the lens.

"Fuck both of you!" Harry laughed and stormed to his car and pull off.

"He had a total melt down." Lou said.

"And we got it all on camera." I said.

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