Where are the kids

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You heard the footsteps, but didn’t bother turning your head, “Where’s the kids?” Your husband walked into the kitchen, the early morning sun was peeking through the sliding glass door, making you squint as you turned to see him.

“They’re at school.” You told him chuckling. It never ceased to amaze you how many times you told him what time they had school and he would still fail to plant it in his head.

“So we’re alone?” He question, leaning back against the counter, as close to you as he could get. As you bent your arm to place a fork on the other side of the sink. You smiled at him, “Unless our 8 and 5 year hold decided to skip and are going to prance back through the front door, I’m gonna guess that we’re alone.” You laughed at Liam, turning your gaze back to the sink, “Don’t you have to work today?” You wondered, filling your hands with busy work.

Liam closed the gap between your bodies. His arms snaked around your waist and you felt his hot breath on the back of your neck, “Nope.” He placed a longing kiss to the skin right above the trimming of your t-shirt. A light sigh left your lips and you dropped the other utensil from your hand, hearing it clink a the bottom of the sink as his lips traveled to your shoulder, one hand pulling aside the shirt while the other lingered down your stomach. You titled your head to the side, allowing him to place a sloppier kiss to your open neck, and you felt him nipping at the cold skin. The hand on your stomach trailed further down, reaching under the waistband of your pajama pants and underwear. Your breath hitched as he ever so lightly started to rub you clit with his 2 fingers.

Chills shot through your body like you had just stepped into a freezer. “Li-“ You began, but were cut off when he slid his fingers inside of you, pumping slowly. Your hands gripped on the counter and you laid your head back on his shoulder. That didn’t last long, Liam pulled his fingers out of you and hurriedly yanked down your pants, forcing you to whip around, “Really Liam? Right in the kitchen?”

He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows and instead of replying he harshly placed his lips on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his hands gripped at your bum. He lifted you onto the counter, making sure to not accidently put you in the sink. His lips moved down your jaw to the base of your neck and as he stood between your legs, you hooked them behind his back, pulling you to the edge of the counter, and you could feel his bulge against your bare heat. You began stroking him through his pants and once he moaned you slid down his pants and boxers, letting his cock spring free. He placed himself at your entrance and you sucked in a breath as he slowly entered you.

It wasn’t like your sex life was boring, but sometimes you would be home without him or you’d be running around with the kids, taking them where they need to go. Other nights, he’d be away for work or busy with work at home. You tried making time for one another, but most times the time would just get away from you and you’d find yourself asleep already and then it was another day to do it all over again.

Your fingernails dug into his shoulder as he thrust into you, harder and faster each time. “Liam go faster” You moaned, throwing your head back from the pleasure you were receiving. His hands gripped your thighs, moving to your waist to hold you still as he pumped in and out of you. He trailed his lips back up your neck, hovering over your skin antagonizing you. Once they were over your own lips, loud and uneven breaths being exchanged, he looked you in the eye. Many years of being with the same person emotionally and sexually could make someone go crazy, but not you, nor Liam. You both wouldn’t imagine it any other way.

He kissed you, tongues tangling together, and continuing his thrusts. “Y/N, you feel so good.” He moaned against your lips, his thrusts beginning to get sloppier and sloppier by the second. Your hands now moved to his neck, deepening your kiss. Your walls clenched around him and with one more hard thrust, you spewed your liquids on him. This feeling made him cum and he moaned into your mouth. He pulled away and leant his head in the crook of your neck. You shut your eyes, letting yourself try to catch your breath.

Liam placed a sweet kiss to your neck and lifted his head, grinning at you. “That was hot.” He pulled out of you, leaning down to pull his pants back up.

You laughed at him, hopping down from the counter and stumbling a bit. “Well, it’s not every day that your kids leave for school and you end up getting fucked on the kitchen counter.” Your pants were back on and your shirt was back to sitting on your shoulders the proper way. Liam walked over and pecked your lips, “Well, it should be shouldn’t it?”

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