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"Lou, I need your help." I said dropping down on the floor beside him. 

"Yes?" He said sitting up.

"So, it's this guy I like and he is way to cute for me, but everyone I know says that we will make a cute couple. What will I do?" I said.

"You are 19 years old. You are coming to me for flirting tips." I nodded and smiled.

"First tip: always wear something cute, but not that cute. Wear something you feel comfortable in." Lou said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up beside him.

"Second tip: guys like girls who are funny. Don't be too funny, but be funny. Make jokes and be serious when it becomes serious."

"Last but not least, make him smile and be yourself. Get to know him and let him get to know you. I promise he will fall in love with you after that." Lou said finishing off.

"Thank you." I said kissing his cheek.

"Tell me Y/N. Who is this mystery man that got your heart?" Lou said.

"Niall, duh." I said.

"In his case, just cook him food." Lou said laughing.

"You're OK with me liking Niall?" I asked.

"Yeah. I know he won't hurt you." Lou said.

I hugged Lou and thanked him again. Next time I see Niall, I know that those flirting tips will help me.

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