Not Like Them Pt2

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"Y/n. Just open the door. Let's talk please." Liam said banging on the door. I didn't even look at the door. "Go away." I tried to say, but a whisper came on instead. "Y/n, please let me in. I can help."

I reached for my dresser door and waited. I didn't want to do this, but i do t want to go to another school and do the same thing over. I opened it and the knife glowed in my eyes. I reached for it. I held it tight on my arm and pulled it away.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Too many. I couldn't even stand. The knife slipped from my hand and the blood was slipping way from me. I grabbed for something to keep me steady, but I already fell.
"Y/n!" Liam yelled for me as he opened the door, but I was already drifting into to darkness.

Liam p.o.v

I carried y/n in my arms. This isn't the first time she done this, but this is the first time she's dying from it. I raced to my car and drove to the hospital. She was losing more blood then ever.
I pulled in front of the door and went in. "Help. My sister is losing blood. She dying." Three nurses came and took her. "Sir. Your sister is going to be okay." She said pushing me back.

"I need to be with her. If I don't, I...I...will hate myself." I said trying to catch my breathe. I pushed back more by someone else. "Liam sit." Niall said. "We saw in on the news." They all came up to stand by me. I watched as the rushed her into a room and shut the door. "She's going to be okay, mate." Lou said grabbing my shoulders.

"She's going to walk out that room any hour and hug you and say she love you." Harry said laughing. I knew this wasn't true, but I still hope she did.

"Mr. Payne." The doctor said after hours. "Yes?" I was already sweating. "Y/n is okay, but however she's not waking up. I think she sent herself into a coma on purpose. Once you cut the vein area, it's easy to go into a coma." The doctor said.

He pointed to the door way the took her. I ran to it. She was laying the in her little Frozen shirt she had from two years ago.
"Hey. I know your listening. I just wanted to say that your not alone. I was in the same position as you. I picked on every single day. I hated going outside my room. Just because I got money and family and friends, doesn't mean I have everything. I still don't have a sister if you're not there. " I said.

  She didn't even move. I grabbed her hand and held it tight. It moved against mine. "It least your parents didn't kill their selves. " y/n said pulling me into a hug. "I'm sorry put you through this again." She said pulling harder.

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