Baby On The Way

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   "Niall, stop. I might pee on my self." I yelled. Niall has went on a tickle spree and I can't keep it in any longer. "Just tell me who's daddy!" He yelled back.

  "Get over your... haha... daddy issues. Please stop. I don't want to ruin your white couch." I half yelled and half whisper. "Tell who... did you just pee?!" Niall said. "Yes. I am so sorry. I told you to stop." I covered my face with my hands. I couldn't even move.

  "Wait, why is your pee white and mine is yellow?" I jumped up and looked at the couch.

"A little cramping + heavy breathing + white pee = Baby's coming." I said. Niall ran up the stairs to grabbed the bags and car keys. "C'mon, get in the car!" I nodded and tried my best to run, but it was hard.

   "What are you doing?" Niall said. "Running, why?" I said back. He pushed the bags in the car and came to pick me up. "Thanks."

   Halfway to the hospital, we got pulled over by the cops. "Look, my wife is in labour and I don't think I ticket would stop my baby from coming." Niall yelled.

  The police officer looked around. "Just don't kill anyone." Niall pulled off and raced to the hospital.

  In the hospital, Niall held my hand as they rushed me to the back. "Go luck." I said to him. "Why?"

  "Because you gonna have more than you bargained for." He let go of my hand and stood there.

                  2 hours later
Niall's pov

"The husband of Y/n Y/l/n." All of the boys stood up, but I went up. "Its me." I walked as the nurse lead me to the room. Each footstep, I got more excited. "Here she is." The nurse said. He walked off, but before he said congratulations.

  A small cry came from the other side and then another. I opened the door and in y/n's arms where twins. My twins! 

  "Name please." The doctor stated. "Tristan James Horan and Jordan James Horan." Niall said. These names were never mention in a normal conversion, but I like them.

   "Thank you and congrats." The doctor said walking out. I looked at the babies was sleeping in the arms of my wife. "Which is Tristan?" I asked. "The one with the birthmark on his right hand."

  I took Tristan in my arms and smiled.

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