Punish part 2

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Y/N pov

I stood there and process the words that came out of Niall's mouth. He just told me that I need a punishment and called himself daddy. I moved my eyes across his chest to look at the belt. I moved my eyes back to face.

"Are you serious?" I said moving towards the front door which was soon block by Niall huge frame.

"Yes. So how about you turn around and walk straight up to my room. You have known better than to think you can replace me." Niall said pushing me.

"Look jerk. I knew what I was doing. I broke up with you and you cried like a pussy. OK. I left you for someone new and I don't feel bad about it." I said looking into his eyes and the next thing I felt was the belt on my thighs.

I almost fainted and bleed to death at the same time. I looked at him. I wanted to slap that smirk off his face so bad. "Now the rules are today is that:

1. Never talk until I say so
2. Never tell anyone about this
3. Never go back to Tristen
4. Never touch me back
5. Never underestimate me
6. Call me Daddy at ALL time."

Niall said smashing his lips onto mine. I wanted to try him and see what my punishment was. I kissed back and I touched his hair too. He pulled away and stare into my eyes. "You broke rule 4." Niall said tying my hands together . He grabbed me and pushed onto a couch.

I sat up and watched as he locked the doors and moved tables back. As he was doing that, I tried to get me hands loose which fail. "Now your punishment start now." He grabbed me again and put me on his lap. " Count for me and don't skip a number I know how to count well too." Niall said as he grabbed the belt.

" 1... 2.. 3... 4... 5..6...7...8." I said trying not to scream. "Good good girl. Turn around." Niall said and with that I turned. He smiled and kissed me. "I bet you miss me princess." He said against me ear lobe. He hands went to my core and started touching me. I let a piece of moan slip out my mouth and Niall heard it. "Daddy. Treat me like a princess." I said trying to admire his face at the same time.

"I'm sorry but you are being punished you treat me." Niall said and with a swift he pulled down his pants and he grew ten times his size. "Suck." I grabbed it with my mouth and started sucking. Moans started to feel the room. After about an hour, we were finish with whatever you want to call it.

"Now. Will be a good girl for now on?" Niall said.

"Yes, Daddy!"

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