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Y/N pov

"Bye Tristen." I yelled back to my boyfriend. He was great at being nice, but he care too much. I just came to visit him because he wanted to have fun do when I started to start something he said I was being a whore. "We are over." I walked home and tried to avoid Niall's stare.

Niall is my ex boyfriend and roommate. We became roommates when I needed someone to help me to pay the bills. He have been staying here for several years and really caring about the bills and things.
"What now?" He said walking after me. "None of your business." I said turning around.

"Well every time I come home you either crying or yelling at something." Naill said.

"Look. I am not your concern anymore. You can go back to watching your TV shows and shit and leave me alone." I said leaving the room. "It's not my fault your boyfriend is no fun." Niall yelled back. I shut the door and sat on my bed. Niall is a jerk now and Tristen is an ass. What now?

I pulled out my phone and went in YouTube to finish my song.

You should really look out
Cause the truth is out
And you're falling now
And there's a hard ground.
If I was you I would start running
Cause they are coming
No more excuses

Your plane is gonna go down
Sorry that I had a doubt
That I would somehow
Let you back out, but it won't be right noww.
No I won't let you go now
The truth out.
I can see the the ground.
Hope you had a good flight and a good time.
Because it's landing time now.

I play that song over and send it. It been and hour since I came through the house and had that argument. I got up and waited till I didn't here nothing and opened the door. "You're out?" Niall said sitting on the Bach out the couch staring at me. He was shirtless and had on warmups.

"Yes and why are you shirtless?" I asked. "Because daddy have to teach you a lesson." Niall said grabbing a belt from behind his back.

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