Drunk Video

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"Touch my body.." The video continued to play as the audience bursted into laughter at the sight of a drunk Liam trying to cling onto you as you giggled behind the camera.

"What the hell are you doin'?"

"Jus' wanna love on you, babe!" Liam  slurred, plopping down on the bed as he struggled to unbutton his shirt. "Too many buttons.."

"Do you need any help?"

"No, wait! Lemme strip for ya, yeah?"

"Liam-" Liam began to make a beat with his mouth that consisted mainly of 'bum, bum, bum's' as he twirled around in circles with his pants sliding down to his ankles – revealing a pair of toy story printed boxer briefs.

"D'ya think I'm attractive, Y/N?" He asked excitedly, coming up close and personal to the camera.

"Of course I do!"

"Good, good – I think you're pretty hot, too. You've got nice boobies. Love you."

"Love you too, dork. Nice boxers, by the way."

"Christ almighty." Liam  mumbled, his cheeks heating up as he covered his face with a hand in humiliation. "Leave it to Y/N to film me when I'm drunk!"

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