If I win...

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Harry stood in the doorway of your bedroom. You laid there in peace on your phone. Today was your lazy day since you were having a vacation during the time the boys was on break. ''Y/n, I was wondering if you was up for round 2." Harry said walking to your side of the bed. You looked at him and said no. You looked back at you phone. ''Why not." He said getting in bed. "Because I say so." I smiled and looked at him. "No one have even turn this down." He said pointing to his chest. 

You laughed and didn't play him anymore attention. He jumped on the bed, kissed you for a long time on the cheek, and prank call you phone while in the bathroom. "Okay babe. How about for 1 hour." He said coming out the bathroom. ''How about a no!'' You yelled at him. You put down you phone and walked downstairs. You was really getting annoyed with Harry.

"Lets make a bet." You finally say. He walked in the kitchen and got a water. "What kind of bet?'' Harry said. "I bet that you can't go 2 weeks without having sex with me." You said walking past him slowly. ''Oh yeah. Well I accept that bet and if I win when I say we do it we do it.'' He said walking after me. ''If I win...I get to have you as my personal slave and you have to wear a suit and tie for a month.'' I said looking serious. ''You're on!''

After the deal, you try your best to wear so many tight clothes. You soon noticed that Harry walked around shirtless and he used your weakness against you: wearing his hair down. You started going to bed in nothing but lace undergarments to win and so for you have been winning. 

 About the end of the bet, you seen Harry talking about romance and things like that and you just was about to give in, until he walked out the room and came back minutes later wearing a Suit and undone tie. ''I can't take it anymore. Please may you just kiss me once and you win.'' Harry said on his knees. ''My first job I want you to do for me has to be don e in the bed room.'' You said leaning down to his lips and whispering the words. He smiled and got up and took you hand leading to your destiny.

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