Ruin Their Little Minds

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Bella where are you?" Niall asked running up the stairs. "I'm up here" you yelled back. The door was fully shut. You jumped when Niall busted into the door. When you jumped you looked back to see that it was only Niall walking into the room. You got back to what you were doing. Folding clothes. While you were folding clothes Niall spun you around. "Babe I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I need your lips" Niall said crashing his lips onto yours. You dropped the clothes that you were folding onto the floor. Niall licked your bottom lip for permission to enter. You gave him the permission.

Niall picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist. He carries you to the bed. You knew what Niall wanted so you had to stop him. You pulled away "No Niall only kisses I'm not ready for this" You sighed. Niall looked at you. "Serious?" Niall asked. You put your lips together and tucked them into your mouth and nodded. Niall sighed and got back to where he was. "Fine but I'm finishing you up" Niall said crashing his lips onto your again. His lips didn't only stay in one place they traveled from your lips to your ear bone to your neck then behind your ear. "Niall" You said softly.

Niall then slipped his hands under your t-shirt. You knew where this was going. You pulled apart again. "No" You said looking at Niall straight in the eye. Niall let out a groan. He craashed his lips onto your again but harder. His hands just went up down your spine sending chills onto your body leaving goosebumps. Niall was on top of you. While kissing you rolled over so you were on top. You were both so into the kiss that you took his shirt off.

His body was perfect. The way his abs were showing. How there's a trail of hair from his bellybutton to down there. And how his chest hair was growing darker and longer. You wanted Niall to feel special. You were both so into the moment that you didn't hear the door open. "Oh gosh ew" You both looked up to see your 14 year old sister standing at the door way. She put her hands up to her face to cover her eyes. She tried to make it out of the room but she crashed into the door frame. You looked at Niall who looked like he was about to outburst of laughter.

Your sister finally made it out and shut the door behind her. Before you were able to crash your lips onto Niall's lips again you herd your sister yell. "Next time leave a sign on the door handle" She yelled. Niall gave you look and you both chuckled.

Once again before you were able to crash your lips Niall's pink plump lips. You heard a crash from down the stairs. Before you were able to get up to see if your sister was alright, Niall took you waist and pulled you back. "Nope" Niall said smirking. "Yeah it's ok guys thanks for checking if I am still alive. I'm just still scarred for life from what I walked into. That's why I fell and almost died right now" You both heard your sister yell. You were still on top of Niall. You both looked at each other and laughed. "I think we should do this more often" Niall said wiggling his eyebrows and crashing his lips on to yours. This time he crashed them softly. "So we can get my siblings and other people scarred for life?" You asked Niall chuckling. "mmm yeah" Niall said kissing you roughly.

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